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Full Version: New Fliggin' Video
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Over the past couple of years I have put up a few videos showing fish with fligs hanging out of their mouths.  Have had requests from some of my fans...both inside and outside put up a video showing the different types of fligs I make and use.  So I went through my pic and video files and put together about 48 minutes on the subject.  Got a lot of fish porn. 

Not trying to sell more fligs.  Too much work making them for what I get out of them.  Just trying to give others some ideas on new ways to fish.  And will also help anyone who wants to learn how to make their own.  Here are some pics...including a couple of the new types I came up with his year that are working well.

[Image: FLIG-TYPES.jpg] [Image: 5-A.jpg] [Image: 6-A.jpg]

Thanks TD...loved you got me excited for the soft water season ahead...but I'm still hoping for a little more solid ice first..
(01-24-2024, 01:04 AM)Jmorfish Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks TD...loved you got me excited for the soft water season ahead...but I'm still hoping for a little more solid ice first..

Glad you liked it.  Took me about two weeks to gather, sort and organize all the pics and video clips.  But doing so has stimulated me to make up a couple of new models. 

It's been a weird winter...icewise.  The combination of higher water levels in most lakes and overall warmer temps during normally cold periods has really delayed or eliminated good ice coverage.  I gave up ice fishing a few years ago but I feel for all the hardcore coldfooters who have been buying new gear and looking forward to drillin' and chillin'.

As for me, I am pretty sure I will be able to successfully launch my tube somewhere by mid February.