Stopped by Deer Creek State Park and got a 2024 state parks pass.
The manager there told me that the passes are going to go back to the way they were. They are not going to be using the calendar year but are going to use a 365 day time frame.
He also said there is a phone app that you can get that will allow you to just show your phone. This will be good for those of us who leave it in a different vehicle then go to the lake. He said there will be 3 license plates allowed on the app. Don't know if any of this app stuff makes sense to you guys but, I tried to explain what he told me. I have not gone to the sight to look yet. He told me to keep the receipt as that was used in this app business.
Thanks for sharing that information. I already use my phone to save my walk-in-access permit and my fishing license so this should be easy.
I'm not sure why they are changing back to the 365 day pass but I like that too. I was always able to get 13 months out my annual pass. 
Indeed, you can enter three license plate numbers when you purchase the annual pass online, and things did show correctly when I downloaded the app. The app displays a QR code that a gate attendant should be able to scan and confirm things, but not sure how that works when no one at gate to check but they come by later checking parked vehicles etc. I do not see anything online about 365 day pass, only annual on calendar basis.
I have the online app. If they check your vehicle later, they can just pull up your license plate to verify things…so it better be one of the three plates you can input into the app. It has worked great for me and is super easy to navigate. They still send you a “hard” pass too that you can use/display if u so choose to use that route.
(01-31-2024, 06:03 AM)smokepoles Wrote: [ -> ]Indeed, you can enter three license plate numbers when you purchase the annual pass online, and things did show correctly when I downloaded the app. The app displays a QR code that a gate attendant should be able to scan and confirm things, but not sure how that works when no one at gate to check but they come by later checking parked vehicles etc. I do not see anything online about 365 day pass, only annual on calendar basis.
If you look at some of the pictures of phones showing some different screen shots of the app, you will notice that some of the expiration dates are something other than Dec 31, 20XX. That MIGHT indicate they have, indeed, gone back to a 365 day use. Just guessing.
(01-31-2024, 02:39 PM)dubob Wrote: [ -> ] (01-31-2024, 06:03 AM)smokepoles Wrote: [ -> ]Indeed, you can enter three license plate numbers when you purchase the annual pass online, and things did show correctly when I downloaded the app. The app displays a QR code that a gate attendant should be able to scan and confirm things, but not sure how that works when no one at gate to check but they come by later checking parked vehicles etc. I do not see anything online about 365 day pass, only annual on calendar basis.
If you look at some of the pictures of phones showing some different screen shots of the app, you will notice that some of the expiration dates are something other than Dec 31, 20XX. That MIGHT indicate they have, indeed, gone back to a 365 day use. Just guessing.
My app says Dec 31, 2024, but I purchased thwe 2024 annual pass end of dec 2023, so maybe things were automaticall adjusted. Kind of ironic all the hassle to get to annual use (prorating etc) to go back to to 365 day use.
(01-31-2024, 01:52 PM)MWScott72 Wrote: [ -> ]I have the online app. If they check your vehicle later, they can just pull up your license plate to verify things…so it better be one of the three plates you can input into the app. It has worked great for me and is super easy to navigate. They still send you a “hard” pass too that you can use/display if u so choose to use that route.
Understood that would work if good in-the-field computer connectivity though seems to be more hassle for staff than just checking for a hard pass. Of course all the staff at the parks are well trained and know they are there to serve us

Mine says Dec. 31, 2024 and I bought it in January so I didn't get the 365.... Later Jeff
I got this back from the Parkpass Support section today (1/31/2024): ". . . the state parks have switched to a rolling 12 month annual pass. Meaning if you purchase your pass in February of 2024 it will be valid until February of 2025."
That would jive with smokepoles version that he bought it in 2023 that the 2024 pass is good from Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2024. Jeff, you might want to call the Parks HQ and get some clarification on your pass purchase.
(01-31-2024, 09:40 PM)dubob Wrote: [ -> ]I got this back from the Parkpass Support section today (1/31/2024): ". . . the state parks have switched to a rolling 12 month annual pass. Meaning if you purchase your pass in February of 2024 it will be valid until February of 2025."
That would jive with smokepoles version that he bought it in 2023 that the 2024 pass is good from Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2024. Jeff, you might want to call the Parks HQ and get some clarification on your pass purchase.
if you purchase your pass in February of 2024 it will be valid until February of 2025."
'until' or 'through'? I believe it used to be 'through' per what others said of getting 13 months in practice. Also, 'until' would mean up to almost a month less than 365 d.
(01-31-2024, 10:43 PM)smokepoles Wrote: [ -> ] (01-31-2024, 09:40 PM)dubob Wrote: [ -> ]I got this back from the Parkpass Support section today (1/31/2024): ". . . the state parks have switched to a rolling 12 month annual pass. Meaning if you purchase your pass in February of 2024 it will be valid until February of 2025."
That would jive with smokepoles version that he bought it in 2023 that the 2024 pass is good from Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2024. Jeff, you might want to call the Parks HQ and get some clarification on your pass purchase.
"if you purchase your pass in February of 2024 it will be valid until February of 2025."
'until' or 'through'? I believe it used to be 'through' per what others said of getting 13 months in practice. Also, 'until' would mean up to almost a month less than 365 d.
I guess you could play word games on this issue forever. But being a realist, I'm guessing what it REALLY means is that if you buy an annual pass on any given date, it will be good until either the same date next year or the same date minus one the following year.
Buy it on Jan 10, 2023 and it will be good to use until/through Jan 9, 2024 OR Jan 10, 2024. Not sure and for sure don't really care. You can decide for yourself what the definition of a "rolling 12 month" period really means. Tight lines and good luck to you. I'm outa here.
(01-31-2024, 11:37 PM)dubob Wrote: [ -> ] (01-31-2024, 10:43 PM)smokepoles Wrote: [ -> ] (01-31-2024, 09:40 PM)dubob Wrote: [ -> ]I got this back from the Parkpass Support section today (1/31/2024): ". . . the state parks have switched to a rolling 12 month annual pass. Meaning if you purchase your pass in February of 2024 it will be valid until February of 2025."
That would jive with smokepoles version that he bought it in 2023 that the 2024 pass is good from Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2024. Jeff, you might want to call the Parks HQ and get some clarification on your pass purchase.
"if you purchase your pass in February of 2024 it will be valid until February of 2025."
'until' or 'through'? I believe it used to be 'through' per what others said of getting 13 months in practice. Also, 'until' would mean up to almost a month less than 365 d.
I guess you could play word games on this issue forever. But being a realist, I'm guessing what it REALLY means is that if you buy an annual pass on any given date, it will be good until either the same date next year or the same date minus one the following year.
Buy it on Jan 10, 2023 and it will be good to use until/through Jan 9, 2024 OR Jan 10, 2024. Not sure and for sure don't really care. You can decide for yourself what the definition of a "rolling 12 month" period really means. Tight lines and good luck to you. I'm outa here.
Sorry, Bob, I did not mean to get your panties all in a pinch

I was not really arguing about the terminology, but rather pointing out the 'Good News' that Pacmen reported being told by park staff does not not jive with what's on the state parks page: "
The Utah State Park Annual Day-Use Pass is valid until Dec. 31, 2024"
There is nothing to indicate that the pass is anything other than it is a calendar year pass per what is stated on their park web page and was implemented just last year.
Could just be waiting for a page update though.. We can hope, but this whole deal has sure been a pain since I use the parks just in the winter, I ended up paying 4-5 day passes last November / December waiting to get the new annual pass, then only used it 5 times the rest of the year, now with the lack of ice this year I've used the new one once and starting to doubt I'll get any value out of the pass this year... I think the rolling 12 month will be a lot better for me if they stay on it... That way if there isn't any ice I don't have to pay for a tag until I need one and maybe I'll get a little value out of them... Especially where they have raised the price so high... Guess I need to use them more than just the cold months of the year... Later J
Clarification from the Utah State Park main office:
The physical hanging tag is good only for the calendar year.
If you purchase an annual pass online and tie it to the app, the app allows entrance for a rolling year (365 days) from the date of purchase.
Not to be cynical, but who the hell came up with this new plan?? What was wrong with the old rolling 365 plan to begin with. I wonder if they got to inundated with purchase requests on the calendar year that it put an undo burden on the staff ??? So we go through all this hoopla about rolling calendars, phone apps, etc, but we still can't get scanners to get us into the parks before 6 AM so we can get some decent time on the water before the power squadron runs us off !! Don't we love gument!!!
It is frustrating that I went to the bother of driving to their office, on North Temple, to purchase my State Parks Pass, only to find out that if one purchases the pass Online one can input their vehicle information and not have to use a physical pass. Unfortunately, one cannot download their app and key in the vehicle information if one purchased the pass in person.
(02-02-2024, 05:09 PM)Kent Wrote: [ -> ]It is frustrating that I went to the bother of driving to their office, on North Temple, to purchase my State Parks Pass, only to find out that if one purchases the pass Online one can input their vehicle information and not have to use a physical pass. Unfortunately, one cannot download their app and key in the vehicle information if one purchased the pass in person.
Not to mention the relative 'unfairness' of the pass purchased in person having the tag only being good for the remainder of calendar year while app is good for a rolling year. No matter to me as I'll continue to get pass and app online to have at start of a new year, but does not seem right........
It appears that the app is still a work in progress. I was told that my wife could get the app and tie it to the purchase I made previously, and i still need to do that so she has pass on her phone too. It'll be interesting how close things are actually tied to the online invoice # such as license plates (up to 3), names (can have two for the physical pass). I expect there still may be glitches here as to prevention of fraudulent use etc.
I love this. The DWR figured out how to issue annual “passes” on line years ago. It’s about time that knowledge made its way to other departments. Sounds like there’s some bugs to work out but clearly a step in the right direction. I will admit my frugal side will miss the bonus month you could get from the old method.
(01-31-2024, 02:42 AM)PACMEN Wrote: [ -> ]Stopped by Deer Creek State Park and got a 2024 state parks pass.
The manager there told me that the passes are going to go back to the way they were. They are not going to be using the calendar year but are going to use a 365 day time frame.
He also said there is a phone app that you can get that will allow you to just show your phone. This will be good for those of us who leave it in a different vehicle then go to the lake. He said there will be 3 license plates allowed on the app. Don't know if any of this app stuff makes sense to you guys but, I tried to explain what he told me. I have not gone to the sight to look yet. He told me to keep the receipt as that was used in this app business.
I went to the north temple office to buy mine. They said it would expire end of this year. I asked about the calendar year thing he said it was going to continue. It would be worth getting some official word since we have conflicting information.