drove around for about 1 hour to break in the motor.
then fished for 3 hours
catching was good for rainbows don't know how many we got but did not have time to set down are eat.
got tired of catching them. most were about 16 in. was using 2 repels and 2 dodgers and squid the squids worked best.
forgot and left the downrigger balls home and net.
it was windy and choppy.
the boat run good and every thing worked, like fish finders need to adjust the transducers. but may need a better prop need to check the pitch.
I don.t need a prop that is for sea level I think they will change props.
water temp was 38 deg.
Great report! Thanks for sharing and I'm glad your new ride is treating you well. I bet you can't wait for the ice to melt at Strawberry!
Glad to see your maiden run worked out, always have adjustments to make. You even got the initial skunk subdued, blood & guts are an excellent break-in, its beginning to smell a lot like fish.
Sometimes when I'm fishing a lake like Rockport or E Canyon I'll run 1 line on a downrigger & the other just long lining with good results catching. When I bought my is current boat out of Washington it was propped for sea level. Using Willard Bay as test ground this altitude, I was only able to get up with WOT 3800rpm and about 30mph with a 20-pitch prop. Installed a 15P put me at 6200rpm bringing speed up to 40mph. About 6000rpm is about the max threshold for my motor, however when going to higher elevation the performance is under 6000rpm at 5600-5800rpm. Unlike the bass guys I do not need to be there 3hrs ago, therefore I do not run WOT under normal circumstances which I bring motor down to about 4000rpm for cruising. This 15P prop also gets the boat out of the hole and not sluggish getting on plane.
the engine I have is 200 hp. V8 4.6 L full throttle rpm range 5600-6200 RPM, the highest I had it was 5000 for 1 min with no tilt was 35 mph
it gets on plan fast with 2 of us it seemed like we were on plane before half throttle, I was changing speeds between 3000 and 4500 rpm
the prop is stainless steel 19 pitch my old 150 hp. boat had a 15 pitch
You will LOVE a Rev4 17p.
My boat is heavier than yours and only 175 horse but my motor is lighter than yours.
I run a 15p Rev4 and it is sweet.
If the dealer won’t change prop for you as the original purchaser of said watercraft,
find a new dealer.
man a 15 pitch! sounds like a strawberry boat only. If you do get a 17 pitch, be careful at lower elevation lakes. pitch is inches per rev. I have three props in different pitches, but now a days I'm to lazy to switch them out. i just stuck with a 4 blade 19 stainless on a 200 yamaha.
Side note. 4 strokes just don't have get up and go like a 2 stroke. (all torque). I used to run a 5 blade 22 pitch "High 5" prop on my old merc 150 2 stroke. it used to do 52 mph in a fiberglass 20 footer.
But what I love with my 4 stroke yamay, is we can carry on a normal conversation at full trottle.
(02-16-2024, 07:27 PM)BROWNBAGGN Wrote: [ -> ]man a 15 pitch! sounds like a strawberry boat only. If you do get a 17 pitch, be careful at lower elevation lakes. pitch is inches per rev. I have three props in different pitches, but now a days I'm to lazy to switch them out. i just stuck with a 4 blade 19 stainless on a 200 yamaha.
Side note. 4 strokes just don't have get up and go like a 2 stroke. (all torque). I used to run a 5 blade 22 pitch "High 5" prop on my old merc 150 2 stroke. it used to do 52 mph in a fiberglass 20 footer.
But what I love with my 4 stroke yamay, is we can carry on a normal conversation at full trottle.
I'm operating a Yamaha F150 4stroke, no its not just a Berry boat. It came with a stainless prop and I replaced it with another stainless prop to what works well for me, a 15P. My previous boat I replaced prop from a 19P to a 17P, it was ok but needed to be lowered another notch. If I were to use my 15P at low elevations caution would come into play paying close attention to rpm. As I stated I don't run WOT but do have the power to run across any lake here keeping around 5000rpm or little less. This is better for most motors to throttle back unless of course your a bass guy going across the lake with your hair on fire.