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Full Version: Eagles are making a good comeback....
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Looks like the eagles have made a good comeback after the DDT had weakened their egg shells. This is the first year we've had so many of them on the hillside behind our house. They are even moving in closer to our house than they typically are. Still it's always a pleasure to see even though our feral community cats are wary of them, LOL Not alot trees on this hillside, so the fence posts make good perching sites. 
[Image: 20240224-082643-resized-002.jpg]

[Image: 20240224-084702-resized.jpg]
Thanks for sharing the pictures.

[Image: P1080491.jpg]

The eagles are fun to watch while I'm out in my float tube.  We have seen an increase in them down here in Carbon and Emery County as well.
Agreed, in the last 10 years their numbers have really increased, along with hawks. We have this sparrow hawk in out back yard but it is usually up in the trees, here is a rare pic of it down lower, as it was chasing some sparrows in the grape vines.

[Image: Sparrow-hawk.jpg]
(02-27-2024, 07:21 PM)gofish435 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for sharing the pictures.

[Image: P1080491.jpg]

The eagles are fun to watch while I'm out in my float tube.  We have seen an increase in them down here in Carbon and Emery County as well.
It is fun to see. I know sometimes when Ice fishing sometimes eagle will land to steal away your catch from out on the ice, so we always keep ours nearby.

(02-27-2024, 11:29 PM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: [ -> ]Agreed, in the last 10 years their numbers have really increased, along with hawks. We have this sparrow hawk in out back yard but it is usually up in the trees, here is a rare pic of it down lower, as it was chasing some sparrows in the grape vines.

[Image: Sparrow-hawk.jpg]
They probably also keep any voles or mice away as well. We took some park walks and we saw so many vole highway tracks now that the snow has melted off. I know before our community cats arrived; we had lost a whole backyard. Now I know it's not a large lawn by any means, so it wasn't too hard to replant. But those community cats really do number on them now. They often even will leave their catches on our porches.