Utah lake
Channel Cats 26.5, 27, 28
(05-30-2024, 08:19 PM)PiscoLOML Wrote: [ -> ]Utah lake
Channel Cats 26.5, 27, 28
Good job getting on the board Julie. Nice start, good for 28, 27 and 26.5 points!
Utah Lake 6 1 2024
Channel Catfish 29, 29.5, 29.5
Hey Julie, those are some ugly cats, but they are big! We have generally forgiven one picture w/o the logo, so Good for 29.5, 29.5 and 29 points!
Utah Lake
Channel Cats 30 and 33"
Utah Lake
9 2 2024
Channel Catfish 31.5 inches
Wow, that's another tank! Good for 31.5 points and that moves you back to a tie for second place (for today anyway). Good for 31.5 points
(07-25-2024, 06:52 PM)PiscoLOML Wrote: [ -> ]Utah Lake
Channel Cats 30 and 33"
I had entered these two in the spreadsheet, but forgotten to post their scoring. Good for 30 and 33 Points. Congrats on the best cat this year so far!
Utah Lake 8/29/2024
Channel Catfish 30.5"
I thought this one was already bumped, but it wasn't by 1/2"
Good catch, that breaks the 3 way tie for 2nd. Good for 30.5 points. Keep it up!
Utah Lake
Channel Catfish 32 and 32.5
WOW, Your had quite a day! Good for 32 and 32.5 points and a contest total of 97.5! I think that ties the all time high for the contests and it puts you in first place. Congrats!