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Full Version: Newcastle a tough nut
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I’m in Ceder city this week for work and have taken the opportunity to sit next to the lake soaking mussels for 3 evenings 

Dsy 1 fished next to the concrete structure by the dam. A few taps nothing solid.

Day2 Swing and a miss, had my drag really loose, it starts screaming I pick up the rod tighten the drag then the fish is gone. One point south.

Day3 moved one more point south, got bit, picked up to soon and missed. Finally as I was packing up to leave got bit and stuck it. The pictures are pretty poor was approximately 20” 4lbs. 
[Image: IMG-2552.jpg]

[Image: IMG-2555.jpg]
Without a boat NC can be tough but IMO you did good fishing it from shore. That looks like a good wiper. Was there others fish it the days you were there?
I fished it last Thursday evening...nada. We killed them there last year during the first week of July. Nothing this year. We did see lots of shiners at the boat ramp...I'm thinking that the wipers out there are really well-fed and hard to catch right now. The water was also about 7-8 feet lower than this time last year which also can impact the fishing out there.