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Full Version: Strawberry 9/28
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I took my wife and her parents up to Strawberry yesterday to introduce them to the beautiful scenery of the fall scenery as well as to see the kokanee in the river. Not as many as I have seen in the past but still some in there. Especially near the traps which had the most. After that we decided to go have a picnic lunch and try some shore fishing over in soldier creek. I've never shore fished at Strawberry as I usually have my float tube or in a boat but that was my only choice yesterday. To my surprise we didn't do too bad in the couple hours being there and for shore fishing. We caught around 12 or so. 3 were rainbows. All the rest were cutthroat. All fish were safely released to catch another day. Black whoolybugger tipped with a worm under a bobber caught a few and the rest were on a glow white tube jig tipped with a worm and slow retrieved it the same way I would in my tube or a boat. Very beautiful day yesterday with very little to no wind. Fun day to be out in the beautiful nature and introduce some newbies into it!
Fall at the berry can be special for so many reasons. Of course the fishing but the colors, wildlife, and salmon run just so much to enjoy.

Sound like you had a grest time.
(09-29-2024, 07:00 PM)Fishpro22 Wrote: [ -> ]I took my wife and her parents up to Strawberry yesterday to introduce them to the beautiful scenery of the fall scenery as well as to see the kokanee in the river. Not as many as I have seen in the past but still some in there. Especially near the traps which had the most. After that we decided to go have a picnic lunch and try some shore fishing over in soldier creek. I've never shore fished at Strawberry as I usually have my float tube or in a boat but that was my only choice yesterday. To my surprise we didn't do too bad in the couple hours being there and for shore fishing. We caught around 12 or so. 3 were rainbows. All the rest were cutthroat. All fish were safely released to catch another day. Black whoolybugger tipped with a worm under a bobber caught a few and the rest were on a glow white tube jig tipped with a worm and slow retrieved it the same way I would in my tube or a boat. Very beautiful day yesterday with very little to no wind. Fun day to be out in the beautiful nature and introduce some newbies into it!

[Image: Thumb-Up.jpg]
We only caught a couple of bows from shore yesterday fishing on the Soldier Creek side.

We fished spinners, wooly buggers behind a bobber, jigs tipped with worm, and powerbait. Only got bitten on the powerbait

Kind of a slow day for us, we went up for about 3.5h is all