But sometimes, for me at least, having turned into an OG, my fishing excursions aren't what they used to be. (ei. hiking/backpacking Uinta's for high adventure fishing, 4x4 fishing trips to Boulder Mountain, Otter Creek, Deer Creek, Lost Creek, Lost Lake, Teapot Lake, Pass Lake, Birch Creek, etc, etc, etc...Mostly these are just fond memories, but 30, 40 years ago the crazy, new, sometimes dangerous fishing discoveries was what I yearned for, sharing with my young, understanding, willing wife, and later with young boy scouts...all that's gone, but now enjoy the (usually) less wild trips to the Gorge, Willard bay, Echo, Rockport, E. Canyon, Strawberry, Mantua, Hyrum, Jordanelle...places I can take my boat, or ice fish...and when the fishing is good somewhere locally, like ECHO now, I often repeat going there, consequently a repeat report may not be as interesting as a (long ago) high adventure...I love Cowboy's adventure trips...I'm grateful for where/what/when I can still pursue my fishing habit..YESTERDAY, 10-22-24, was my latest trolling trip to ECHO, again, and my buddy and I did well, again, on good quality, good sized rainbows, 16 to 18"ers, many rocketing high in the sky...good half dozen smalls released...water temp. 55*, catching mostly high, 4 to 9', speed 1.8...lures, hoochies, with sparkle, were great..I tipped w/pink garlic flavored grubs, and my buddy actually tipped all he used w/small nite crawler pc, and that also worked...Fun day out on this reservoir...again...and taking my granddaughter on Saturday...Guluk..
Would love to see some hunting reports while the fishing reports are slow to show.
I can say Echo has still been very good to my student anglers. Perch and trout but smallies seems to be slowing down
They have also picked up some nice browns in the Weber lately as well as some ducks.
We have a Wind River report coming shorty - spent 5 days up that way
(10-23-2024, 08:59 PM)Jmorfish Wrote: [ -> ]But sometimes, for me at least, having turned into an OG, my fishing excursions aren't what they used to be. (ei. hiking/backpacking Uinta's for high adventure fishing, 4x4 fishing trips to Boulder Mountain, Otter Creek, Deer Creek, Lost Creek, Lost Lake, Teapot Lake, Pass Lake, Birch Creek, etc, etc, etc...Mostly these are just fond memories, but 30, 40 years ago the crazy, new, sometimes dangerous fishing discoveries was what I yearned for, sharing with my young, understanding, willing wife, and later with young boy scouts...all that's gone, but now enjoy the (usually) less wild trips to the Gorge, Willard bay, Echo, Rockport, E. Canyon, Strawberry, Mantua, Hyrum, Jordanelle...places I can take my boat, or ice fish...and when the fishing is good somewhere locally, like ECHO now, I often repeat going there, consequently a repeat report may not be as interesting as a (long ago) high adventure...I love Cowboy's adventure trips...I'm grateful for where/what/when I can still pursue my fishing habit..YESTERDAY, 10-22-24, was my latest trolling trip to ECHO, again, and my buddy and I did well, again, on good quality, good sized rainbows, 16 to 18"ers, many rocketing high in the sky...good half dozen smalls released...water temp. 55*, catching mostly high, 4 to 9', speed 1.8...lures, hoochies, with sparkle, were great..I tipped w/pink garlic flavored grubs, and my buddy actually tipped all he used w/small nite crawler pc, and that also worked...Fun day out on this reservoir...again...and taking my granddaughter on Saturday...Guluk..
Thanks for the report and comments Joe. As were mentioned, a change in the season between soft water season and hard water, makes a lot of members slow down in getting out as much, along with hunting season but a lot of us enjoy getting out for Fall fishing but for some reason they slow down with their reports

Thanks for the report Joe, man lots of places I need to try someday.... Thanks Jeff