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Full Version: DWR plants 12.8 million fish this year...article
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Interesting read in Yahoo News and on KTVX local TV.  LINK TO ARTICLE
Inadvertent, perhaps, but no mention of wipers.
(12-12-2024, 01:10 PM)RockyRaab2 Wrote: [ -> ]Inadvertent, perhaps, but no mention of wipers.
Surprising, since wipers are now a big part of the fish stocking program.  For those that don't care to go back and reread the article, here is the paragraph that lists the fish.  And you will note they have not only not listed all of the species, but they have not broken it down by numbers, either.

There were more than a dozen species stocked in 2024, including the threatened June sucker species. Other species include the kokanee salmon, crappie, largemouth bass, channel catfish, splake, tiger muskie, walleye, and several species of trout.