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Full Version: Strawberry 2/8/25
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Fished Chicken Creek East, did okay for the day after a storm. The ice was plenty thick and there was very little slush. Ended up with 8 slot cutthroats, most caught in less than 12 feet of water. I was primarily fishing bigger chub minnows (4-5 inches) on quick strike rigs. Smallest fish I caught was 16 inches on a chartreuse tungsten jig with wax worm in about 27 fow. Largest was a 21 inch cutthroat on my last big minnow. Tried other rigs (atomic teaser, cut’r bug) and baits (meal worms, shrimp) but no love for those on Saturday. Did catch one trout that ignored an actively jigged bigger minnow and hit a small minnow dead sticked on a tungsten jig. Fun to watch on the Livescope. 

Lots of machines on the ice. No edge issues. My friend drove across the lake from Renegade on a SXS with tracks to give me a ride back to the ramp. He and his son had similar success in the area outside the narrows (Meadows?) in 80 fow, with most fish caught in the 20-30 foot depth range. They reported using atomic teasers in green, white, and pink.

Hoping cold temps this week firm some of the other lakes back up!
Thanks for the report Brett, was going to be there, but had my plans change... Thanks for the details, that helps for my next attempt.. Later Jeff