I have been having issues when selecting to enlarge a posted pic, even my own. When selecting it goes thru a search mode displaying a very brief error 404 code then disappearing going back to search mode. I have no issue of posting pics, only enlarging whether its mine or someone else's. This was never an issue in the past. I usually use a windows operating system, it does the same on my wife's apple computer which I use on occasion. Both computers are updated & less than 1yr old. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I'm not like the youngster's that is growing up into this computer world, I was not trained in computers therefore thrown into a must learn situation making me not very computer savvy but able to get thru some issues that arise.
I've had that problem too.
I had that very problem with your lahontan pics.
Dude, I remember from the other site, you're no dummy with computers!
Another member sent me a pm, with the same problem. This is an issue with the server that host the pics. If it continues, I'll contact the owner and see if they can contact the folks that are hosting the pics.
I have had issues with pics as well, they keep cycling trying to open it seems like it just started the last week or so.
I have also not been able to open your pictures. I click to enlarge but it just flashes "Lahontan Time post images" repeatedly but never loads the photos.
I can only get some to open also. No rhyme or reason too which ones will open
I also, can't get the pictures to open
(02-10-2025, 03:31 PM)joshomaru Wrote: [ -> ]I had that very problem with your lahontan pics.
Dude, I remember from the other site, you're no dummy with computers!
[b]Me too...or three. It is definitely not a problem with all of our computers. Know what I mean?[/b]
Sorry. I ain't got the foggiest. It's been a long time since I was a moderator or had any personal contact with the owner(s) and admins of this site. Ever since the "Great Transformation" there have been recurring "glitches" with different aspects of the site...especially in the area of attached pictures or other files. Sometimes they get fixed promptly. Other times.... I'm sure Curt will chime in soon.
I have had that same problem , sounds like everyone is having a problem with it.
I haven't been able to post any pictures since last summer. I have tried 3 diffferent browers (Edge, IE, and Firefox). I downsized my pics and even changed formats of the pics (JPG, etc.). I get the same error every time. It says the post is too long to post and specifies a number around 38,XXX or something like that. I would probably post more if it was less problematic to post pics. Last fall I posted pics like the site allowed and then I had a moderator tell me that I wasn't supposed to post pics that way. That was ridiculous. If the site lets you post a pic using their tool bar, what difference did it make? Why not change the site to prevent posting if they don't want it a certain way? Anyway.....PLEASE GET IT FIXED! Maybe, just maybe the BFT site might get more use if the damn site was less buggy and it was easier to use.
I agree with bear lake guy!
Add my name to the list of those having trouble opening pictures.
(02-11-2025, 02:18 AM)Kent Wrote: [ -> ]Add my name to the list of those having trouble opening pictures.
Ive been having that issue also
When i click on a photo it opens in a new window and it just flashes up in the tool bar and it never fully opens
As of this morning I still can't open to enlarge pics. Apparently, I can still post a pic. For a long time when I was able to enlarge a pic, I would get this small yellow block that comes up on every enlargement attempt and it still comes up. Does anyone get this?
![[Image: IMG-4080.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/Rqw7BNGH/IMG-4080.jpg)
Thanks everyone! I'm not as dumb as I thought.
Moderators, are you seeing this? Seems like a universal problem with enlarging photos. I am not getting the yellow message box, I get the new window with the flashing toolbar but the photo never opens. Can someone please tell us who this should be reported to?
(02-12-2025, 06:46 PM)FishfulThinkin Wrote: [ -> ]Moderators, are you seeing this? Seems like a universal problem with enlarging photos. I am not getting the yellow message box, I get the new window with the flashing toolbar but the photo never opens. Can someone please tell us who this should be reported to?
You must have missed my reply above, the owner has been contacted, just waiting for a reply
I cant open pics I was thinking it was my fire wall