Fishing Forum

Full Version: Echo 3-6-04
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Took the whole family up to Echo yesterday, including my wife who caught her first official ice fishing fish! The fishing was about the same as usual.....a bunch of nice Perch and a couple of good Trout. We had to leave early because the wind came up around 3pm but it was a fun time. We got onto the ice just fine with the aid of two 2x4s and the ice is good once you get on it but that might change soon with the warm weather forecasted this week.

Hi fishmagnet where were you and your at. where the bunch about 500ft southwest of the boat ramp. I was about 50 to 75ft. from a family group that was having fun. There kids started out fishing and caught some but being kids most of them under 7 I would say started doing other things. Good things was did not bother anyone else they were bing kids and well behave, they were fun to watch while I was fishing. I also limited out on the perch again I also saw another guy about 30 ft. form me bring a nice rainbow, and nice 2 to 4 pound channel catfish. I was able to get on the ice using hip boots.[Wink]
We were out from the parking area south of the ramp by the house with the green roof and ended up about 3/4 of the way across the lake. I usually don't fish close to other people when I take kids especially because My friend took his daughter and she yells so loud you could probaly hear her clear across the lake!
