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Full Version: How do you cook the fish that you catch?
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This isn't really a recipe, so I will put it here. Just interested in how people cook the fish they catch.

I usually deepfry mine with "Fryin' Majic". But, occasionally will just season & microwave it, or fry it in butter, or make fish patties.

Tell me about yourselves, please. If this has been posted here before, I apologize.
Hey Dawg, this would be a good one on the polls and survey board. Do you want to try it over there??? I bet it will do good.
if you are asking for a recipie you are more than welcome to post your questions on the recipie board. we will be happy to provide you a link to the recipie you are looking for or see if we can find it for you....[Wink]
Davetclown is correct. There is a special thread there just for recipe requests just in case you don't find the species that you are looking for. It only takes us a matter of minutes to generate some easy and helpful ways to prepare your days catch and turn it into a delicious tablefare for you and/or your family to enjoy.
Sure, I guess recipes would be cool too. I'll give em a try.
I catch alot of walleyes & perch. Other species too, but I don't target them as
hey bull dawg, i got hound dogs hahaha hey i do what your talkin, i do my trout with eggs and milk combined, whipped, dunk inthat first then either into just italian bread crumbs or flour and fry em up in some lard. or butter, most gen. butter slowly so,s ya dont burn the butter, and i also like makin chowders but i use perch, or clam, or corn, or rainbow trout as a chowder cause to me the rainbow has more flavor in a chowder than alone in the fryin pan. but you will find a better ways of lookin at this on the recipe forum. theres alot of good ones there. and different types of fish. i wish i could git good clams, i git em out the can, haha they ship osme up, but to me its not like bein there to just go to the dock and gittin em,. haha and lobster, and scallops, and and adnd hahaha i do love the seafoods. only thing i never cared fer is raw clams haha. steamed are alright, but give me them fried ones anydays!!!!!!! haha later go lookin over there you,ll have fun lookin to see how many recipes there are. and try. i tried quite a few! later mare and jack sure likes me practicin. haha later
Putting fish in a microwave? [Sad] YUK! Cook it on a grill or steam it, but never in a microwave.