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Full Version: Scouting for Tom/ Fishing for Steelie
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I give! Really, Uncle! Uncle! Let me be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm looking out my window right now as Northern Mi is getting pounded again with winds and snow. I should be travelling down two tracks scouting for toms.I should be setting up near the mouth of the Bear river angling for slim steelie.

But no! I'm still blowing out my driveway every day. And if I did venture to my favorite site at the river I'd fall on my butt because of the ice and snow depths that would face me. I hope this onslaught will help raise the lake levels.

Ah Well, two more weeks and Mexico calls, even though I might not hear her because there will probably be a blizzard brewing...............
Hello Callie,

That's a tough one! Makes me feel giulty for living in Southern California. Not to rub it in but we've had some great weather latley.

Your headed to Mexico? It is nice there right now. Are you going to get into some Dorado?

I hope things clear up and you can get on the water soon. Good Luck!
I hear you brother !

I have the "CROME DREAMS" running wild thru my head , and a bunch of tresspassers to deal with (see the attachment ) .

The area lakes are making ice again , seems the ice fishing god wants me to do some walleye fishing this weekend [Wink] .

The tresspassers are here on a daily basis , wanna bet I won't see a single one during the hunt ?

I just missed a deer on the way home from work today , in town ! It came running out on 61 thru rush hour trafic , crossed the highway and darted between some buildings . I bet he wished the snow would go too !