I am headed to the springs on lincoln beach today... has anyone been catching anything out there? i am probobly going to fish for some walleyes but if the toothy critters arent hitting then i will try for some cats.....
went to lindon boat harbor last night for an hour, only caught one mudcat, fishing was slow
going tomarrow let us know how ya do...
[#800080][size 2]I'm heading down there about 3pm. I need to figure out my rod setups first.[/size][/#800080]
i went to lincoln beach this morning til 4pm for some walleyes...i had 2 all day...oyhers seem to be catching them also...its still slow
[#0000ff][size 2]I didn't get down there til 4:30. I fished until 7pm. All I did was feed the rock gods. The only fish I saw caught were mudcats. There ain't fish in this pond.[/size][/#0000ff]