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<br>LAKE LBJ: Water stained; 68 degrees; 824.91':<br><br>LARGEMOUTH are good in 2'-4' using crawfish Rat-L-Traps, 1/4 oz. blue shad Terminator spinnerbaits along rocky points and plastic jerkbaits. Working a Watermelon/red Scoundrel worm on a Whacky rig or 4" watermelon Super Tube Heavy on breaklines of channels is also producing.<br><br>WHITE BASS are fair in 8'-12' on minnows and trolling shad raps or casting Tiny Traps and No 3 Terminator In-Line spinners along breaklines of channel turns.<br><br>CRAPPIE are very good in 1'-2' of water on white Curb's hair<br>crappie jigs, blue/white 1/32 oz. crappie tubes and minnows.<br><br>FOR RECOMMENDATIONS OR TO BOOK A GUIDED TRIP WITH THE ONLY GUIDE SERVICE WITH OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE FISHING LBJ CONTACT JR'S GUIDE SERVICE, call (830) 833-5688 or email<br><br><br>JR'S FISHING GUIDE SERVICE <br>Texas Highland Chain and Canyon Lake.
Thanks Jim for the report. Glad to see the login is working for you now. Just remember if you have another problem let us know as we all are hear to help.<br>Is there any turnaments schedualed for LBJ?<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>