walleyebob utahwalleye and myself will all be there in r boats this sunday if any of you eye chasers want to come out and hook up look for bobs blue boat chucks alluminum bass boat or my white and yellow boat . im sure some eyes will get crossed. crossineye
Where are you going to launch?
lincon harbor is usable now. walleyebob and utwalleye have used it already just dont put outdrive all the way down .
Hey how far off shore do you guys fish ?I have walleye fever! I most likely be there but what is the best time to fish for those yeyes at lincoln?
noonish bring lots of jigs!! snag city cya their.
Hey Ocean lincoln has a very long shallow shore line most people fish about 200 yards form shore and less in some places like around the springs. alot of people wade out also. hope this helps. later chuck