I ended up working today but managed to go to utah lake at 230-400 then i had to take wife to work!So we fished for a little bit.I threw a rotten anchovie in for my son and not 2 minutes later he had something hooked!Whatever it was had some weight on it.He did everything he was supposed to and he lost it in the rocks.He kept his rod tip up and let the fish run when it wanted to and still he lost i felt bad for him cause he was so exited about bringing it in.I was casting nonmooses spinner and i kept getting bites probably white bass. I lost 2 of them on the rocks and no fish![pirate]
[cool]Sounds like a fun time, ocean! That must have been cool seeing your son fight that lunker. Maybe next trip he'll land him.[pirate] Did you guys wade out a little ways, or were you right off the beach? I think I'm gonna go there next Saturday.
We were on shore on the north point. I wish i could have stayed longer but but my wife had to be at work. I bet the fishing at night is awesome there! The water temp i heard one guy say was 59 degrees! So the bite should be on soon. I wish they had waders at the expo in my size !Me and my daughter waded out last year in our shorts and sandels and we had a ball!But she wants waders now and so do i.What time do you plan on being there next saturday?I might give it a try after work.
[cool]Well, I was thinking of going early in the morning till whenever, but what the heck-I could meet you there at a certain time whenever you get off work, and I could work that morning (or sleep in, dang-that's a tough one). What time do you get off work?
With the water temps at 59 those big cats should start biting even more frequently than they already are since it's supposed to be in the mid 70's this week!
I get off at 12 sometimes at 1230 because we have the late comers that come in at 10minutes before we close ! Then they want their atv tires or motorcycle tires changed and then want to try on all the clothing after we close!So i would say about 1pm.Takes me about 25 minutes or so to get to lincoln from my job.
[cool]Sounds cool, ocean. I've never been fishing at Utah Lake before or the Lincoln Beach area for that matter, but there's good directions on the utah fishin holes board here so I'm sure I'll find it just fine. I think I'll sleep in, and then show up at about 11 or so, and I'll meet ya there. I'll be headin down from Salt Lake. I may or may not have a buddy with me. Hope the water warms up even a little more this week, and we get into some nice ones.
If the water stays the same at 59 degrees or highr it should be good fishing!
[#800080][size 2]Lincoln Beach- take I-15 to Spanish Fork. Turn off exit 260. Turn left on main st. take main st to 400 north and head west. Keep going down this road until it ends and you have to go right or left. Turn right. About 20 yards after the right turn there will be a Lincoln Beach sign that says, turn left. Follow it all the way around into the park entrance. Its about 12-15 miles from I-15.[/size][/#800080]
[#800080][size 2] I memorize the directions today.[/size][/#800080]
[cool]Thanks for the directions, Tomegun. Hey, did you happen to fish there today? If so, how did ya do?
[#800080][size 2]I got sunburned today. I guess everyone but us two(walleyebob) caught fish. [/size][/#800080]
Hey if you can bring a chartreuse spinner thats what i caught my lmb ON.I will be there with my kids and wife or by myself they dont know what they want to do yet but i will be there look for a white blazer with a fish on the hitch and a bft sticker.
hey dude you going down today? i'm going to be there around 4:30 5:00 today.. i'm bringing my boat down.. see if doing the snag drag dose any good..
fish on dudes
Hey let me see if i can i will let you know in a bit .Need pemission from parole officer(wife).
well i have some buddys meeting me there but not intell around 5:00 or 5:30.. and i'm going to get there around 3:30 4:00 i hope..
fish on dudes
My wife grounded me!JK ! She had go up to salt lake so i hvae the kids .So i cant make it!Let me know how u did
Hey fuzzy how did you guys do yesterday i am curious to know!
it was fly fishing out there yesterday dude the wind was blowing so hard that everything was flying around... only fished for about 2 hrs and got one white bass and thats all..
dude on fish
Damn that sucks!Well now i dont feel bad that i couldnt go!