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Full Version: Utah Lake State Park - North Jetty
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The north jetty has finally been cleaned up and is open to fishing again. I got there around 1:30 to try out my new catfishing rig and brought some white bass to use for bait. I situated myself about 75 feet from the point at the north side of the jetty. Couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather with a very slight breeze blowing. After 30 minutes, I got my channel cat. A good fightin' 3 pounder, hardly fit in the bucket that I brought. I got my second channel cat around 2:45 pm, this one close to 4 lbs. I said to myself, this is going to be a good day and stuffed her also in the bucket. Ten minutes later, a wakeboarding boat filled with teen-agers decided to park about 70 feet in front of me. They stayed there for about 15 minutes with the engine idling and getting all their wakeboarding stuff ready. I packed up around 3:30 pm since more recreational boaters started showing up and had no more bites. Too noisy for my liking.

typical got the whole *&%# lake and got to park in front of a fisherman
Nice report! I get really anoyed by people like that. Now, I just put on a nice big treble with a sinker, cast and SNAG! Gets um movin fast, thats for sure!
With the water level as high as it is, and will probably get higher later in the season, my fishing time at Utah Lake State Park will probably be limited to early mornings and late evenings, maybe try to put in more time at the river.


P.S. I did gather up some good-sized rocks in case the boat got too close to where my line was. Good thing it didn't come to that.
well in my experience water balloons filed with smelly jelly and water right in the boat usually sends the message but it sounds like ya had a decent day after all.....
I prefer to pack my paintball gun. No no I don't want to get paint on their nice gear. I go with the "pepper balls" they use on prisoners at the point of the mountain.[sly]
Today, after church, I stopped by the Provo harbor... and checked out the scene... I spoke to a ranger and he said the water depth inside the harbor is four feet and the dikes on the north side is 8 feet deep.
Four feet is about right in the harbor. When I was icefishing with Drew Cushing of the DWR last February, his Fishing Buddy fishfinder was marking the bottom at 3 1/2 feet in the docks. There were some anglers fishing the south side of the north jetty when I was there, but didn't try it because of the boat traffic. I watched some of the boats coming into the harbor and saw muddy propwash on even the shallow-keeled boats. I'm guessing there is still some shallow areas in the entrance to the harbor. I will be checking out the action at the north jetty a couple of times this week after work.
