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[size 6] [/size] [center]CASTAIC LAKE STATE RECREATION AREA[/center][size 3] [center]FEE INCREASE[/center][/size] [center][size 3]EFFECTIVE Jan. 1, 2004[/size][/center]

[size 3] [/size]

[size 3]VEHICLE ENTRY[/size]
[size 3]……………….......…. $7.00 (Oct.1 thru April 30)[/size]
[size 3]Daily-Mar-Oct; Weekends/Holidays-Nov-Feb
…......... $8.00 (May 1 thru Sept. 30)[/size]
[size 3] [/size]
[size 3] [/size]

[size 3]…. $4.00 Weekdays Only
Daily Vehicle Entry Fees apply on Weekends/Holidays[/size] [ul] [li][size 3]RV PERMIT……….……………….. $12.00 Daily[/size][/li] [li][size 3]BUS PERMIT [/size][size 3]………...…….….… $25.00 Daily[/size][/li] [li][size 3]VEHICLE ANNUAL[/size][size 3]……………………..$120.00/YR[/size][/li] [li][size 3]SENIOR/DISABLED ANNUAL[/size][size 3]………….$60.00/YR
(Valid Weekdays Only – not weekends/holidays)[/size][/li][/ul] [indent] [indent] [left][size 3]BOAT LAUNCH[/size][size 3](Motorized) .. [/size][/left][/indent][/indent] [ul] [li] [size 3]$7.00 Daily (Oct.1 thru April 30)
[/li][/size] [li] [size 3]$8.00 Daily (May 1 thru Sept 30)[/size][/li] [li] [size 3]$10.00 (Weekends/Holidays)(Memorial Day to Labor Day) [/size][/li][/ul] [indent] [indent] [left][size 5][size 3]BOAT LAUNCH (Non-Motorized)[/size][/size][/left][/indent][/indent] [ul] [li] [size 5][size 3]$6.00 Daily[/size]
[/li][size 3][/size]
[/size][/ul] [indent] [indent] [left][size 5][size 3]BOAT ANNUAL[/size][size 3]……$130.00/YR[/size][/size][/left][/indent][/indent][size 5][size 3][/size] [left]
[size 3]TENT CAMPING[/size]
[size 3]………$15.00/site/day[/size]
[/left][size 3][/size]
[left][size 3]RV CAMPING [/size][size 3](all camping, except tents)…...$18.00/site/day[/size]
[size 3][/size]
[/left] [left][size 3]DUMP FEE[/size][size 3] (For non-registered campers)…..... $5.00/dump [/size][/left][/size]
Some of those fees seem a little steep at times. They will be having anothere small increase coming up soon. It is still unannounced as of yet but sceduled to go into effect in the beginning of May. Just in time for the spring fling.
eeeeeoooooooow.....ouch, the pocket book is taking another beating....

if those prices keep going up a man will be better off digging his own pond....
I'm still trying to work out a discount with those guys. Every fishing pier that I go to with LA County lets me park for free because of my County affiliation through the Fire Dept. Those guys won't budge one penny with us.

Castaic happens to be one of the lakes in my service area as well. I guess I'll just have to stow my tube and an extra pole on the rig when we go near there.