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Full Version: Bear Lake ice report
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As of friday the 19th the scout camp north of the state park has open water and just south of the rest area there is some open water. I will have another report for you all on tuesday afternoon.
Thanks, keep us informed. Hey Cordell, do your parents show dogs? Just curious. Al
No they don't, do you know of some Hoths that do?
The open water at the scout camp now goes from the south end of the camp north past the RV camp that is on the West side of the road past the Creek. The open water by the rest stop goes for about 300 yards along the shore and is about 50 yards wide in one spot. There are some other spots that are open, just small ones 9 foot by 5 foot. The marina has open water at the mouth between the dikes. If this warm weather keeps up the lake may be open by April 2nd or so.