04-18-2002, 06:14 PM
The answer and explanation is below.[
]<br><br><br><br> Learning the Art of Fishing<br><br> Fishing is truly an art. As with all arts, there is a learning process that lasts a lifetime.<br> I am writing this to help you get the most out of this art of fishing. Learning is a<br> never-ending process. Any one that can read can be Book Smart. To master any art it<br> takes allot more than reading about the subject. You must complete three simple steps<br> to master any art. In this article I will explain how you can use these three steps to get<br> the best out of your learning, not just for the art of fishing but in all aspects of life. <br><br> The first step I call The SEED. As a seed is the beginning of growth, it is the place to<br> begin. The seed of learning is the receiving of information. This receiving of information<br> is done two ways. One is by reading about it ( Book Smart ). The second is hearing it (<br> just listen ). Be it with simple conversation or a full blown seminar from a speaker. Once<br> this has been done you now have the SEED.<br><br> The second step I call GROWTH. For a seed to grow it has to have food. Food for<br> learning comes from seeing it. I was told that seeing is believing . Once you have belief,<br> you have GROWTH.<br><br> The final step to learning is MATURE. This is the longest process of learning . Some<br> things will mature faster than others. To mature you must use action. In simple words<br> you must (do it ) to complete the art of learning. Some things can be learned after doing<br> it only once, but other things may take a lifetime to master. <br><br> Once you have completed all three steps you have truly mastered the art of learning.<br> Remember you have to have the SEED, give it GROWTH, and MATURE it. <br><br> Submitted With Great Respect for All<br> Dwight D. Ross<br><br>If you Have an opinion on this (eather way) reply to this post.[
]<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher <*(())))))))))>{<br><A HREF="http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/ROSS6959/" target="_new">http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/ROSS6959/</A>