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This is from Field and Stream

State record: 11 pounds 10 ounces, Robert Camp, 1968, Moose Pond
Best water: Moose Pond. “It produces a lot of nice bass, and there are three different basins to the lake, so that an angler has an option of fishing different types of habitat.” —John Boland, director of fisheries operations, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Contact: Mike’s Bait and Tackle Shop (Bridgton), 207-647-3454

Sleeper: Lake Arrowhead, Waterboro. “Lots of sunken islands, vegetation, nice bass water; you could fish it all day and not see a fraction of the lake.”
Contact: Beadle’s Bait, Tackle and Archery (Shapleigh), 207-636-3590