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Full Version: Best Bass Waters
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State record: 18 pounds 8 ounces, Adam Hastings, 7/6/02, Ballenger Pond
Best water: Tenmile Lake. “This lake is fished by more bass tournaments than any other lake in Oregon. Fish up to 9 pounds are caught, with average days consisting of 15 to 30 bass per fisherman.”—Rhine Messer, recreational fisheries program manager, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Contact: Lakeside Marina, 541-759-3312
Sleeper: Horsfall Lake, Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. “Access is limited to four-wheel-drive, and thus small boats. Bass up to 9 pounds are caught, and catches of 50 fish per day are common.”
Contact: Oregon Dunes NRA, 541-750-7000