just thought i`d share a lil sump`n....last weakend while i was fish`n my Honey Hole i noticed a Buc up on hill (i`m N a PIT that has Hi Banks) ,bout a good 6 pointer r a small 8....he was`nt walk`n butt he was`nt N a dead run,kinda like he had a place ta B...well anywaze i watched him as he disappeared N tree`s....bout 2 r 3 minutes later outa same place da buc came frum here come`s a Doe with her nose 2 ground trail`n that Buc....she`s N same trac`s as Buc was....sump`n miss`n hear?..should`nt it B other way around?...not that da Rut is N.....and da Buc should`nt he hav already dropped his antlers?.....My dad n uncle were sirprised he still had`em on.....i`m down N central florida....Bsafe!<br><br>
Hi ChrisP, Up in Minnesota, the bucks usaully lose their antlers starting at the end of December, and they are done by Feburary, but if its a mild winter, I have seen them still on in April (just a hand full ) The chasing part might be them just having fun !! See ya ChrisP, Flagmanonice<br><br>
The farther South you travel, the later the rut. Most local Deer shed there antlers (TN) by mid Jan-Feb., although I have seen them still carrying them in late March. Ghost<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"
I am sorry but what language is that?? When I was in the service 37 yrs ago I served with some true moonshiners. They were in because they got cought. And they did not talk like that. Only in hollywood do they try to make us that hunt and fish look like a bunch of illiterates and drunks. And that is deffinitly not an image that we want to project. Hope you get a wall hanger next year.<br><br>
Could be a true Cajun dialect, sounds like it, and a very real one at that. Ghost<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"
Cajun okay maybe. Only Cajun I ever heard speak was Orlando Wilson, he sure could make me

. Him and Jerry Clower will sure be missed.<br> Thats enough said.<br> G-Bye.<br><br>
I wasn't aware that Orlando Wilson had passed away. And I believe he was from Georgia?<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"
OOOOPPPPPSS. How about Justin Wilson. Orlando is still chucking rubberworms at bass. My error. But Justin was funney and cajun. At Least I think he was a cajun. I used to listen to him on the radio sometimes when driving to work. I am sorry for my error. <br><br>