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Full Version: Gorge Dredging Comments Sought....
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In today's Tribune - Outdoors Section - A small article about the Ashley National Forest Officals are seeking public comment on a proposal to dredge the cut-through at Horseshoe Canyon on Flaming Gorge Reservoir.

If any of you Gorge fisherman would like that 100 yd stretch dug a little deeper now is the time for your input.

This (in my option) is needed, wanted, and will allow us to troll Horseshoe Canyon without 75 boats an hour sending enough wakes to give you a side-ache.

For information call John Campbell @ 435-781-5246 or send wrttien comments on the proposal to Deborah S. Wilkins, Flaming Gorge acting Ranger, District, P.O. Box 279, Manila, UT 84046.

Let's get in there and make them dig it deep so they won't have to do it again in a few years.

[Image: yay.gif] [Image: yay.gif] [Image: yay.gif] [Image: yay.gif] DIG... DIG.. DREDGE.. DREDGE...Oh yehhh...
[cool] I agree. It sure is a lot easier on everyone when that cut is deep enough to get through!!
Great with the water levels down now is a perfect time to do this sure helps when your going down the lake not to have to go thru horseshoe caynon.The people in horseshoe would like this too,thanks for the info .iam calling tomorrow to tell them what i think.