Hello Guys,
We had a ton of fun with this one and were really happy to see everyone had a lot of fun with it. As of right now 10,856 (still literally going up by the minute, see the counter at the bottom of the page) people have viewed the press release. Appraently many other message boards were linking to it also. We had one Radio Sports Show contact us, 2 magazines and over 20 manufacturers. We also recieved hundreds of emails from people who wanted more information or to tell us they figured it out.
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/bass_record_press_release.html"][size 1]http://www.bigfishtackle.com/bass_record_press_release.html[/size][/url]
We got this email this morning from the editor of Fish Taco Chronicles: [size 1]
"I forwarded this to Jim Paulk who is writing a story for me next issue about the life of George Perry. He forwarded the email to people in Georgia and to George Perry's daughter. I figured out with the fiction lake and the logo on the sweatshirt. Jim had no clue till I told him later. Good job. shawn"[/size][size 2][/size]
The actual fish was an
8.5 pound LargeMouth caught on Perris Lake last May (Before, Sean our webmaster's PhotoShop handy work, and after pictures below).
We had seven clues that this was bogus plus a very small fine print at the bottom compliments of BearLake for the base copy, we changed it a little):
[size 1]1) Rollick C.A.- Is not a real place. The definition of Rollick is to "play or romp around"[/size][size 2]
[/size][size 1]2) Last name "Deliar" is a play on "The Liar", (seemed to be the most obvious, we were worried this might be to obvious)[/size][size 2]
[/size][size 1]3) Fiction Lake- Is not a real lake and everyone knows what fiction means (2nd most common clue people got)[/size][size 2]
[/size][size 1]4) Last name "Caper", (not many people caught this one and this was another one we were worried about)[/size][size 2]
[/size][size 1]5) No such agency called CA. Museum of Natural Resources (at least not that we know of)[/size][size 2]
[/size][size 1]6) April Fools logo on the sweatshirt when you enlarge the photo (not nearly as many people caught this as we thought would, some said they were way to busy admiring the fish)[/size][size 2] [/size][size 1]The fish was actaully only 8 and half pounds, thank you to Sean for the fine work in Photoshop!!! Many people said it looked totally legit!
[size 1]7) The date April 1 (some people new this before even going to the page but most said they forgot it was April Fools Day)[/size]
[size 1]The fine print discalimer read (which only 2 people caught that we know of):
Note: The above information may be speculative, based on misinformation, contain inaccurate data, or could be entirely fabricated depending on how savvy the reader may be, what today's date is, or the degree of gullibility exhibited by any reader of this release. In the case of a more savvy reader there would be 7 clues to the fact that this release may in fact be of the previously mentioned nature. Click Here to guess the 7 clues.[/size]
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