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Full Version: New Bass record
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Did you guys see this? Or get this email.

[font "Verdana"][size 2]Hello Anglers,[/size][/font]

[font "Verdana"][size 2]We apologize for the unscheduled email but we have news that we are sure you will agree merits this newsletter.[/size][/font]

[font "Verdana"][size 2]WORLD RECORD BASS SHATTERED BY CALIFORNIA ANGLER[/size][/font]

[font "Verdana"][size 2]After many anglers flittering with this record with fish that were not certified it appears the record has actually been broken. Check out the story and pictures at:[/size][/font]

[font "Verdana"][size 2][url ""][#800080][/#800080][/url] [/size][/font][Image: op.aspx?ID=1644125&s=71413726]
Ya whats up with that April Fools shirt and caught at Fiction lake by Deliar.
I don't know the area and I was a little concerned about the april fools on the shirt. My son said he is holding it with one hand mom. So
I guess they got me
It was a nice piece of work but to much smoke.
I just saw the picture and got a whole lot of excited. It would be cool to get something like that.
That was a great aprils fool ! I wonder how many people fell for it!
On the forum that they set up for it, it looks like a lot of people fell for it. As soon as I saw an e-mail in my box about a new world record largemouth, I knew that it was an April Fool's prank. Every single year on April Fool's, someone on some message board tries to say a new record bass was caught, and this year was no different. I would've been quite surprised if no one tried it this year. Har! And the fish in the Sad as it sounds guys...that fish just don't look big enough to be the record! It looks old enough, but not big was a good try though...
Hey Alex, yea thats a nice bass but like you say, not big enough, that one looks to be around 15lbs. I think I've seen that picture before in a mag.

later chuck
Ya, that was my guess...15lbs. If you guys want to see what a world record largemouth would look like...check this out...and this one wasn't big enough either!
Wow that is a nice fish. So they got me and what is in a name ice FOOL. I sure enjoy all the pictures you guys post. I don't think I could ever catch anything that big. But it is fun to try. The biggest fish I ever caught was a 31 inch carp on 6lb. test. That was fun.
That one in your picture has more girth too its potbelly. The one in the other picture on the Freshwater board was only about 19in around (supposedly) ha ha.

Give me a few weeks and I'll show you what a world record looks like. I'm just waiting for this wind to die down here so that I can get my tube out on the water. In the meantime I've taken a likeing to the salt. I'm headed to Catalina this afternoon.

Don't forget to check the report on the Cali board on Monday.

Tight lines
Yup, the world record ought to have a HUGE potbelly. I've seen pictures of supposed world records that are supposed to bust 22lbs. The only picture I know of that looks like the fish might be big enough is Paul Duclos's supposed 24lber caught out of Spring Lake a few years ago, but I'm about 90% sure that one is a hoax as well. It's certainly a big fish. Most likely pushing 20lbs. The one main thing that doesn't buy me with his story is that he wasn't aware of what the world record was. That's bull crap. He's known as a big bass hunter. All of those big bass hunters in So Cal are big bass hunters for a reason, and that's to beat the world record. Any big bass hunter KNOWS the world record and KNOWS the worth of such a record.
Hey Alex, if you down south far enough try fishing lake Miramar, back in the early 70's field and stream had a diver go in and look around at the big bass in that lake and they seen one they though to be about 28lbs. and loads of others about 15lbs. thats where my 12lb'er came from. it's a pretty small lake, has a lot of coves and cat tails all over. they should be getting ready to spawn pretty soon. the water is very clear and you can walk the banks and see some big hogs setting on nests. San vacinte is another one with some big hogs and also lower Otay (sp) I can't remember how that one is spelled. but those lakes have some giant bass in them. try and get down there and you'll see. later chuck
Hello Guys,

We had a ton of fun with this one and were really happy to see everyone had a lot of fun with it. As of right now 10,856 (still literally going up by the minute, see the counter at the bottom of the page) people have viewed the press release. Appraently many other message boards were linking to it also. We had one Radio Sports Show contact us, 2 magazines and over 20 manufacturers. We also recieved hundreds of emails from people who wanted more information or to tell us they figured it out.
[url ""][size 1][/size][/url]

We got this email this morning from the editor of Fish Taco Chronicles: [size 1]"I forwarded this to Jim Paulk who is writing a story for me next issue about the life of George Perry. He forwarded the email to people in Georgia and to George Perry's daughter. I figured out with the fiction lake and the logo on the sweatshirt. Jim had no clue till I told him later. Good job. shawn"[/size][size 2][/size]

The actual fish was an 8.5 pound LargeMouth caught on Perris Lake last May (Before, Sean our webmaster's PhotoShop handy work, and after pictures below).

We had seven clues that this was bogus plus a very small fine print at the bottom compliments of BearLake for the base copy, we changed it a little):

[size 1]1) Rollick C.A.- Is not a real place. The definition of Rollick is to "play or romp around"[/size][size 2]

[/size][size 1]2) Last name "Deliar" is a play on "The Liar", (seemed to be the most obvious, we were worried this might be to obvious)[/size][size 2]

[/size][size 1]3) Fiction Lake- Is not a real lake and everyone knows what fiction means (2nd most common clue people got)[/size][size 2]

[/size][size 1]4) Last name "Caper", (not many people caught this one and this was another one we were worried about)[/size][size 2]

[/size][size 1]5) No such agency called CA. Museum of Natural Resources (at least not that we know of)[/size][size 2]

[/size][size 1]6) April Fools logo on the sweatshirt when you enlarge the photo (not nearly as many people caught this as we thought would, some said they were way to busy admiring the fish)[/size][size 2] [/size][size 1]The fish was actaully only 8 and half pounds, thank you to Sean for the fine work in Photoshop!!! Many people said it looked totally legit!
[size 1]7) The date April 1 (some people new this before even going to the page but most said they forgot it was April Fools Day)[/size]

[size 1]The fine print discalimer read (which only 2 people caught that we know of):
Note: The above information may be speculative, based on misinformation, contain inaccurate data, or could be entirely fabricated depending on how savvy the reader may be, what today's date is, or the degree of gullibility exhibited by any reader of this release. In the case of a more savvy reader there would be 7 clues to the fact that this release may in fact be of the previously mentioned nature. Click Here to guess the 7 clues.[/size]

[size 1]Before:[/size]
[Image: aprils_fool_orig.jpg]

[size 1][url "javascript:void29"][/url][/size]

[size 1]After:
[url "javascript:void29"][Image: aprils_fool_sm.jpg][/url]
[/size][size 1] [/size]

[size 1][/size]
I heard about it on a local radio station outdoor show (1160 KSL) this morning and they even mention Big Fish Tackle web site on it . I think they still believe it is a record so I didn't want to tell them otherwise . LOL Word is getting out !!!!!

That is funny! We are still getting emails and that page has over 16,000 views in 2 days.