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Does anyone know how the Logan River looks? Is it getting runoff yet? Any fishing reports? DKS
I took a walk Wed. from the nature center to where they take water out for the upper canal. The river was clear as a crystal.
Logan river is still pretty clear. The water is rising a bit though and with some warmer temps may change quickly. Blacksmith fork is slightly cloudy in the lower elevations but just about right for spinners. Chicken.
The Logan is running a little higher than usual right now, but it is running pretty clear. It has picked a little color in the last couple of weeks, but it still looks very fishable - in fact I just watched a fly fisherman out my office window. He didn't catch anything though. The cooler temperatures will keep the runoff to a reasonable rate, but I am sure that it won't last... I just checked the flow on the web and it looks like it is on its way back up after coming down in the last week. If we get some warmer temps, we will really start to see the runoff (if there is any this year..)
I was up there probably two weeks ago. I fished 3rd dam for about an hour or so with my nephews, dad, and brother. Dad and the nephews took off and we went below 3rd. It was a warm day, perfect for a midge hatch. We pulled up and started to set up. A truck pulled up about 20 yards ahead of us and watched us. My brother walked upstream to get in the hole we wanted to start at and also to let the guy know we were fishing. Well, the guy in the truck gave him the bird and drove off. I got to fishing and it was great. I caught three real nice browns. We were just getting to the really good water when a Chevy Blazer with Montana plates pulled up about 50 yards ahead of us. They got out, looked around and looked down at us...grabbed their poles and started fishing right in front of us. By this time, I'd had it. I walked up to one of the guys and said, I don't want to be a jerk, but can't you see we were fishing here and we were going to fish that hole? Could you maybe go upstream a little ways and we could share it? He got a little ticked and said that he thought 50 yards was plenty of room to fish. But he would go a little higher, well, he didn't and he walked right on top of us and started fishing. I was livid...I had to leave so I didn't say anything to him. Whatever happened to ethics? Does anyone think what I asked was too much? What would you do?
I have been fishing the bridge just above third dam for the last two weeks. I even went today. It's my birthday. I usualy catch 3 to 5 brown trout in the afternoon before I take my doughter to School. I usualy fish for about 1 hour. The browns are about 12". More recently the fish are hitting much harder. (Bam) The wind has been bad. The water is rising. It is now coming over the top of the spillway. It seems that over the years whenever I go there nobody catches fish but me. The trick is to bounce nightcrawler off of the bottom (Very natuaraly) leave plenty of slack in the line. Clear the snags slowly. When the worm stopes let it sit for about 15 seconds befor you start to move it again. You must keep a fresh worm on. Needs to be a wiggler. Depending on the stream flow will determin how much lead you need. This has to be just right. Just enought to keep moving so you can feel it bounce off of the bottom. It needs to stop ever once in a wile. If you can keep it moving downstreem just right most hits will happen at the 45 degree angle down stream as it starts to come back to the bank. Well there is my seceret. It works.

Thanks for the reports everyone. The Logan River, up the canyon, has produced some of my best fishing trips in recent years. I look forward to fishing it again very soon.DKS
I have had several similar rude angler experiences on the Logan river and I always have to just bite my Tongue. I am from Idaho and when I lived there I never had any problems with people cutting me off. Unfortunately, I imagine that we will just see more and more of this kind of thing as time goes on and populations grow. I guess the only thing that we can really do is make sure that we are polite ourselves and teach our kids the way things should be...