04-04-2004, 03:19 AM
04-04-2004, 04:47 AM
Hey Clif, took my boat out last Wednesday, the depth in Lindon Harbor was 3 to 4 feet. Water at Saratoga was about 2 feet from the mouth of the harbor clear into the back. Deepest water I metered was 8 feet out in the middle of the lake, except for one hole by Bird Island that was 12 feet at its deepest (small area about the size of my front lawn). Looks like the water has come up about half a foot this week. That cold snap sure put the kybosh on the bass in Lindon harbor, but they will be back on track with in a day or two (full moon ) I think. The water temp was 54 in the harbor at 8:30, and had warmed to 57 by 2:00. I would think that now, it is up another couple of degrees, the weather has been in the 70's for that past 3 days, although the winds have been pretty strong from the East and North. Hope all is going well for you, looking forward to seeing you again this summer. Nails