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Full Version: Bird Island claims another skag and prop
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Posted on the UDWR web site:

"Utah Lake
Date: March 28
Name: R. Shaffer

Launched at state park 8:30 am. 4 feet deep in marina water temp 49 degrees. Fished SE corner with crawler harnesses for 2 hours nothing. Decided to try Bird Island, bad mistake! 300 yards from the SE corner of the island the water went from 8 ft. to 2 ft. Cost me a skag and a $400 dollar prop. Fished around the island till 3:00 pm with crawler harnesses, lindy rigs and jigs. Nothing. Limped back to the boat harbor. It's the last time I'll put my boat on Utah lake. The state parks should have those shallows marked. It's a scary lake be careful!"
It's in good company.

Keep an eye on your lower unit fluid this year for the presence of water. If you hit hard there can be internal damage which will cause a lot of metal shavings in your oil, or the seals could let water in.
Nothing is marked at willard yet either.

Its a dangerous time to be out running around if you dont know whats uder there and where it is.

Most places pull the markers before the ice, and the ones that dont get pulled get moved by the ice so you cant rely on markers until the guys have time and rescources to get out there.

I imagine that since the docks at willard wont be in the water this year, you wont see the parks boat out there. You might not see the buoy on the island at all this year.
[Sad] Kent that really sucks, that dike runs about 500 yards south east from the island. I've fallowed it all the way until it ends. sorry to here the bad news. I'm going to deer creek tomorrow, I'll let you now how the water is up there. later chuck
Hey Predator, did I miss something or did you here something about the boat docks not going in at Willard? The last time I talked to one of the workers at Willard he said they were planning on installing a couple new sets of docks at Willard this year but I guess the water would have to come up a few feet before they would do that. I hope the water comes up at least 3 or 4 more feet. WH2
I have discovered the hard way (but not too expensively fortunately) that Bird Island covers a large area -- fortunately that wasn't my boat, and I don't know the guy!
I conclude with Utwalleye that it really sucks too! It is a very good idea to buy a waterproof map of Utah Lake. It will show you the depth plus show you the topography of the Island, once you know where it is, you will be much more aware of what's going on below you. Use your sonar and your GPS.

Once near bird island, you just have to be prepared to shut off the motor, power up your prop, so you skim over any hazard areas and use the trolling motor, once you see the boils just go around along the configuration of the boils. You will follow that for maybe 300 yards going south east, and often that is the best spot for walleyes and cats.

The trick is the wind direction and use it to your advantages. Some days, it's a no go if it blows directly over the boils. Just use common sense, and read the map well. I have had my main prop dinged once or twice at the island.

Low water years you will see the island, and that is very helpful, however during high water years, use your sonar and watch it carefully. Studying the map is the best course all around to avoid any disasters.
[#800080][size 2]Water temp at DC yesterday was 46-52. Not much catching going on.[/size][/#800080]
Hey Paul, the map I have of utah lake does not show anything about that dike running south east from the island. all is shows around the island is the depression on the west side of it. the map I have is the one you buy at most tackle shops. fish-n-map co. what map do you have ??

I've had to draw in that dike on my map. the map shows 11 feet of water all around it. so I map like this will do you no good at all. only experience will do you any good. later chuck
you people would save yourselves a lot of money and time if you would order the skag and prop saver from carbelas. put one on my boat three years ago, and dont pin down the motor leave it float, then when you hit a rock or bottom the motor will slide on the prop saver, best thing that i have ever done, good luck and happy fishing.
Sawdust, what happens when you kick your motor in reverse?

Chuck, I think GEPaul is talking about Willard's Island, not Utah Lake's Bird Island.