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Since lots of you BFT'ers will be giving Willard Bay a try this year I thought a decent map might help those out who have not fished here before. Here is a nice map of Willard Bay that I made with the help of one of the mods...can't remember if it was Predator or Teroy (thanks), and with Maptech Terrain Navigator. It is a genuine USGS map(actual scale), and does come in very handy if you are a little unfamiliar with the area. The island area was placed via GPS, so it is very accurate, the other markes are not to scale, or in exact position...but they are adequate. The attatched file is a little small, but if you would like a larger/better quality map, just PM me your email addy. I think the file is just over 2 MB, so if you have a strict email limit, the attatched file should be adequate. I wish all good luck out at Willard this year, just please practice a little catch and release. Who knows how long the DWR will be able to plant the mighty Wiper out there.
Theekillerbee- I printed off a copy of your map and I had some questions regarding it. Is the Drop along the east side a trench that was dug or a man made reef? Are all of the humps made of old tires also? Do the wipers hang mainly along the dikes or are they out in the open water in schools? How is the best way to locate the wipers? Acey
Wipers are sure a strange beast. Personally I've never found one spot that is always "on". A lot of time it is just put your boat in the water, and start trolling. It's different if you can find a boil, but when they are just cruising around, you just have to do the same.

I do not know how the "drop" was originally made...sorry. I think the humps are man made, earthen/rock humps. I've caught most of my wipers in open water, but I have a neighbor who loves fishing the dikes when they are boiling.

I hope you get a chance to get out and try it. Willard does have a learning curve, but you can have fun out there while learning. Good luck.
Thanks for the map. Can you drive around the whole lake? Thanks

you can drive to the E, side dike then around the S. to the W. around the N. to the NE. corner there you hit the outlet and have to turn around once you get around to the W. dike the road gets rather rough but 2 wheel drive will work fine

Why do you think that they might not be able to plan wiper in there for that much longer? Is it a funding issue? Do they stock them every year or only when they feel the need presents itself?
My opinion is that with the continued drought, not as many people are using Willard for recreation/fishing, so the DWR will put the money into other projects. Unfortunately Willard will not fill this year, and Weber Basin Water will probably dredge an even deeper ditch in the "inlet" and suck it even lower than it was last year. Poor water management and a lack of reservoirs with an exploding population are to blame for that. That's my humble opinion anyways.
To find any fish you need to know their food sources. Willard's wipers eat gizzard shad, which are a schooling fish that roam open water. To learn more about gizzard shad, go to [url ""][/url] and read the Gizzard Shad link in the left column on the main page. Though it is directed to Lake Powell, the info pertains to Willard as well.
Hey Guys, heres the GPS coordinates for willards island

LAT:N 41 degress 22.018 minutes

LON:W 112 degress05.423

hope this helps you guys out.

later chuck
Thanks for the info on the link to Wayne's Words. Talk about an encyclopedia of information on bass fishing. I had never seen his web site before, but it is now included on my favorites screen. It is too bad I live so far away from Lake Powell. That sounds great to fish there. I am learning lots from the good fishing folks here on BFT. Thanks. Acey
Heres a pic of the canal that runs into the south marina. Its flowing good now, lets pray that they keep it flowing for another month or so. The second pic is the south marina 4-6-04 .
So a question for all out there. I have not fished Willard before because I have stayed mostly south of Strawberry, is it worth the trip if we are still looking at record low water levels?
Thanks for the's good to see water actually going in the inlet, instead of out. I just hope we have a wet April.
It's definitely worth it as long as there's enough water to launch a boat. If a novice like me can do well there any one can.