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SAN CARLOS/LOS CHILES Nicaragua/Costa Rica border<br>A New destination for Tarpon, Snook, Rainbow bass fishing...<br>This is an Invitation to discover my new web page located at <br> <br>It is still far from beeing perfect but I did put a lot of Informations there. Please have a look , folow the links to my complete Fishing Reports and Photos albums..comments and suggestions are more than welcome Thanks <br>Philippe Tisseaux Email <br><br>REPORT # 10 30th of February 2001<br>Two days fishing in Costa Rica rio Frio , on the 27th and 28th of February.<br>Guest HALVDAN NICOLAYSEN flyfishing Expert from Norway....<br>Fishing did start on Day1 at 10.30 from Los chiles , we only did fish in Rio Frio ( Costa Rica )<br>We did stop fishing on day 2 around 3.30 pm in order to be back in San Jose at 8 pm...<br>I report 8 tarpons hit , 3 on line , 1 small Tarpon ( 40lb ) released to the boat, a 15lb Snook. Many Machacas ( The complete detailed report is in my web site )<br><br>REPORT # 11 Thursday the 15th of March 2001 <br>Fishing expedition in Nicaragua Rio San Juan from the 8th to the 14th of March. <br>Our Guests Andre and Patrick Fesquet were specialy coming from France to discover our fishing. <br>Fishing as been in Costa Rica and in Nicaragua . Both of the guest released tarpon around 150lb , we also did have Machacas, Gar, and good size rainbow bass in Solentiname Archipelagon ...( The complete detailed report is in my web site )<br><br>REPORT # 12 27 th of March 2001<br>Fishing Expedition in Nicaragua Rio San Juan 17th till the 21 of March, Guests Less and Bob from New Jersey USA. I report a lot of Tarpon hit , several Jumped but only one released to the boat...We also had Snooks, Big Machacas, and many Gars...We are in Summer time here , the Weather is very hot so is the water , in these conditions Tarpon are not so active during day time... At the end of April start the rainy season and fishing will be top from this date..( The complete detailed report is in my web site )<br><br>MY PREVISION FOR THE COMING MONTHS <br>The rainy season will start at the end of April ..the Weather will cool down so the water... the level of Water in San Juan River will progressively grow Tarpon will be much more Active fishing will be great till the middle of February... I do have free weeks in my booking so please contact me at <br><br><br><br><br>san carlos tarpon snook fishing club<br><br><br><br><br><br>