Well, the LM are starting to hit at Mantua now. A couple of weeks ago I only caught 1, this time, lots. Don't know the water temp. but guessing about low 50s? No pan fish or trout, but that doesn't bother me. Nothing big but fun. Noticed quit a difference in fight between same size fish. Is there a common reason? Sparky is doing better each time I go. He's still a pup, 9 mos., so after several hours of watching me in the tube, occasionally visiting me, he starts to "take off" on me. All my young goldens did this so now I expect it and have learned not to stay too long. Fished a hlf day. I can keep him interested for an extended time if I let him chase a few I release.
[cool][blue][size 1]Hey Leaky, sounds like the beginning of a fun summer of bassin' on Mantua. Were you throwing plastics or feathers?[/size][/blue]
[#0000ff][size 1]Only thing I can think of as to why the fish fought different is the fact that the water temps are rising. Some fish might need more warming to get their motors started. Bass are typically more active in water above 60 to 65 degrees.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]Sparky is still too young to have much expectation of perfect discipline. Pups are like kids, or vice versa. They have a short attention span and need to be entertained. Sounds like he is doing well though.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]Maybe you need to get Sparky his own tube...and rod, etc. Think you could have him throwing a fly well by the end of summer?[/size][/#0000ff]
Hey Dude,
This isn't the first time you've suggested that I get a tube for Sparky or Bud. It's a good thing that I don't read your posts with them in the room. I wouldn't be able to stand for a dog out fishing me!!!!!! Besides, he'd probably insist on a fish finder, rod holders, several rods, anchors, etc. just like someone else I know.
I was fishing plastics as usual. Caught them on fairly large (for Mantua) shad immitations that I've tried at Willard for wipers, small pearl/shad minnow shapped guys with flucked(?) tails, and very small power worm type of thing in shad, rainbow and black colors. The best was the small black worm. I was experimenting with different things. The only thing I didn't try was a small silver spoon/white skirt spinner bait that may very well have been good. Next time!
Do you think maybe the difference in fighting might be females with eggs vs. males?
[cool][blue][size 1]I would have to do an autopsy to verify that theory. There's no telling actually. Maybe just some lazy bass soaking up spring sunshine and not wanting to get too worked up. Same thing about brown trout. Some of them jump and others don't.[/size][/blue]