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Full Version: Question about the Jordan
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Hey I was just wondering if you can fish with 2 poles on the Jordan. Would i have to buy a second pole license if I wanted to fish with 2 poles? Thanks for any answers. Also has anyone ever fished by the bridge by Murray Parkway Golf Course? I think its like 6400 South but am not sure.
I don't think you can. I've never tried, though. I would be interested in knowing about that, too.

I've fished that bridge. It has some cats, carp, whites and suckers. And oh yeah! Great Big Rainbows! Some of them are pushing 5 pounds. They've always taken silver blue fox's for me.
Thats good to know about the rainbows. Thanks, I will try to find out what I can about the poles and let you know. If you find out anything let me know k. Are the rainbows below that little waterfall or are they farther downstram?
Later at night you can go down to the bridge that goes over the Jordan behind some big buildings around 29th south. It is also next to the golf coarse so you want to fish later at night when they are not hitting over you. I take my kids there all the time and can catch up to 50 White Bass in a few hours. Firts one caught on a spinner and then the rest with a jig tipped with white bass.
Hey Jensen Kid I looked on the DWR websie and it said you cant use to poles on the Jordan. Dang,
That sucks. I was really hoping for it. I've caught the biggest bows in that hole right at sun up or sun down. The biggest came right out of the rapids, but they are all through out there. I've fished it probly 150 yards down stream, and still had them bite.