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Now most will probably think I am talking about the stuff fish is rolled in prior to frying.Not so!I am talking about a boy standing guard in the back of a seine with a baseball bat,batting every fish that came jumping over the seine when we were ready to pull the seine into shallow water.This is why we called him a fish batter.The only problem was getting a batter that didn't try and hit a home run on every fish.Some batters hit the fish so hard that they wound up with their tails immediately behind their heads.The ideal fish batter was the ones who consistently hit Texas Leaguer pop flies.These batters only slightly shortened the length of a fish,so we got to use most of the meat.I recently returned to my home town and asked about a fish batter and was told in no uncertain terms that if I wasn't so uppity,I would do as most did.When I asked what that might be,I was told to get some flour and corn meal and make my own batter. Evidently batting fish is a lost art now.
That's a good story. Funny stuff. I had never heard of a fish batter before either. Sounds like a fun job to me.

Ehhh batter batter batter batter batter......SaWing a batter!!!