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Full Version: willard can we launch a boat yet
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i sure hope we can launch my boat on willard in two weeks from what i have seen the lake is way down and there is no way to lauch a boat. Is this true, i hope not. any updates would be great
me and fishcrazy were at the N. marina didn't get out due to boat problems but two other boats did
I launched my 18 ft. pontoon Sun. with no problems. I just idled it ot of the marina and watched my fishfinder.
i just heard on the news it is just pouring there right now i hope it really comes down and fills that place up crossing my fingers
Well as low as it is you best hope it rains for forty days and forty nights..
Took a 19 1/2' glastron out there on Sunday, for a test drive. Got out there just fine, but the support arm on the impellor broke off, the impellor shattered and the rest is history. We went home got the 15 1/2' glastron and went back to fishing. No fish, but a beautiful day nonetheless.
So I am trying to read through your post to see if it is sarcastic or if you are being serious... can not tell.
i am serious i am planning on lauching my boat and to go fishing there in two weeks.right now my boat is under remodel. i have a very old harvey from 64. i am cutting it up and making it into a total fishing boat seats on pedastals fish finder everything. just don't want to mess it up on the first lauch of the year.
You guys that went out on sunday,Did you get water temp,Please post if you did,Thanks for any info.

I dont know what the water temp was the hand dip reading was still cold the north marina was fine to but there were no docks in yet so you had to beach your boat the deepist water i seen was 14.5 feet on the west dike the inlet had good flow but was muddy out by the pig farm was reel shalow and the island is out of the water the sun was good the fishing was good on sunday the catching was not so good but the boat ran good the dogs and me had fun what a good day (WANDO) [Wink]
My fishfinder said it was 58 to 61 degrees.
Thanks you guys,Keep the posts coming.
