My uncle wants me to take him and a buddy out for some fishing, and they would like to try for some walleye. we will be going next tues. The questions I have are these. where will the walleye be hitting the best by then and would starvation be a good bet then. Also if anyone has some advice for some good places to hit let me know. If we hit utah lake where would be the best places out of a boat?
Jed Burton
ya rabbit gulch in the back of the cove. try the south side . 9 to 14 ft of water jig and crawlers work best here. use the whole crawler on plain jig red or green are proven colors on stavation. dont jig fish right off bottom and dead stick. also when eyes strike lift about 16 in to 2 ft slowley then stickum. good luck crossineyeken
do you know if utah lake will still be good then? or anybody else
its post spawn now for eyes but the white bass will be at the mouths of inlets and lrg mouth action should be picking up soon the cats are always active in april. crossineye
any favorite hotspots wouldn't mind sharing?
Strawberry river inlet has been good for me on the west side along the rock wall. I'm not sure about Utah lake, you should ask Utwalleye, Walleyebob or Walleyepaul. Good luck where ever you go and let us know how you do. WH2
I will. It is sounding like they want to head to utah lake, so I will have to see where the fishing is hot. I am also thinking of heading out to jordanelle to get the float tube wet soon,
ok jed hot spots for lmb af boat harbor east dike lindon harbor corners in harbor saratoga hot springs. for eyes look on edges of catials any rocks dikes . white bass should be starting to move into creek mouths in force by now . the open water will not hold many fish so stay to the structure in any form. have fun crossineye
Thanks for the advice We will see how things go,