Had a great day at Little Dell today. Got up there at abour 11:30. On the way down to the lake I saw this guy.(see Pic)
Started fishing and landed 4 cuts 15-19 inches. These are FAT hard fighting fish. The bite was lite and I missed at least
5 other bites. I had sunshine, snow, sleet, and hail. On the way up a Sheriff was parked at my car. He said it was closed and he wished that slc water would hurry and open it up. He was real nice and asked about the fishing. All in all a good day and got some great pictures. Ben
The sheriff said what was closed? The Lake?
awesome photo-if I had been there I would have been lookin' for mommy! I've had some run ins with those little guys and the parents lurking around scare me to death! nice report-I need to go check it out!
Not to put a damper on anyones fun, but why is it if most people know that Little Dell is not open yet, they are some here that still are fishing it. It's not like it hasn't been posted here a few times. I'm not a goody two shoes or the most law abiding person in the world, but what you're doing is essentially poaching. Hopefully it'll open in a little while and we can all fish it. I just get a little riled up reading reports of people fishing it when it's closed. If anyone does get ticketed for tresspassing, hopefully they'll post it and warn others.
And if they open it tomorrow, forget what I just said.
i have been one of the people fishing little dell if you check the proc it says it opens 4/1/04 as far as poaching I do release all the the fish i catch as required by law so what am i poaching ? i have been there 3 times in a week have seen and talked to the sheriff 2 of those times and all they had to say to me was how was the fishing
After reading Angler Dan's post about the e-mail he got from Pettengill
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=121666"]http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=121666[/url]
[size 1]Here is the final say as to the date Little Dell will actually open. Warning this message from Tom Pettingill overides info in Proclamation! I will call Public Works today and find out when they are going to open. As for now tickets can be issued. Fish at your own risk.
[/size][size 2]Public Works controls access and they have the final say as to when the
public can have access to the water. You'll have to check with SLC
Public Works to see when they will open it up to public access.
Thomas D. Pettengill
Sport Fisheries and Aquatic Education Coordinator
State of Utah
Department of Natural Resources
Division of Wildlife Resources
1594 W. North Temple, Suite 2110
P.O. Box 146301
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6301[/size][size 1] [/size]
[size 1]Aquaman, to me that means it's not open- yet. Fish it if you want to. Hopefully no one will get a ticket. [/size]
[size 1]Poaching doesn't necessarily mean keeping anything. It's fishing on closed waters, or out of season. No different than hunting deer or elk out of season on on closed land. My biggest fear is SLC Public Works won't open it at all to fishing. Every year I've fished it, there's more garbage down by the water. Bait containers, beer, pop cans etc. I've mentioned it to some of the employees at the guard shack and while most of them don't care (it's like they're forced to take turns working there) some of them say people sneak down at night and fish it. Doesn't surprise me.[/size]
Until some sort of sign is posted then people can fish with out worry. It would never hold up in court.
I plan on fishing Little dell as soon as I can. It is just like alot of other dates, boundrys and regulations in this state, the proclamation tells you one thing, a sheriff tells you another and the DWR doesnt have a clue either way. I have personally sat in a court room as a witness over a wildlife/fishing related incident (in wasatch county) and watched the judge throw out the case, stating to the regional officer to get their ducks in a row and clearly state rules and regulations.
I am not saying that the DWR doesnt do a good job, but when it comes to regulations, there is way too many loose ends!!! It deals with indecisions with beaurocrats!!!!!
Go for it. Make 'em clarify what's going on, open it up, or lock the gates.
truth be told the gates are locked you have to hike in and out