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Hi guys, well i gotta say the fishing is great here in Georgia. I now live in Sugar Hill and am only 3 miles from the closest boat ramp at Lake Lanier a 38,000 acre resevoir full of fish. I've caught many spicies already. White bass, wipers, stripers, spotted bass, largemouth, crappie and even caught 1 yellow pearch. My wife had business in Savannah Ga. Thurs. and Fri. and her company chartered a boat to keep me entertained on Thurs. to go deep sea fishing. What a trip we were about 70 miles out fishing the gulf stream. I caught 8 fish for a stringer of 400 to 450 pounds. The biggest fish was about 80 pounds, had a 70 pounder and a 65 pounder. 6 were wahoo, 1 king mackeral and 1 dolphin.
Hey Poncho!!!!

Nice to have you check in! Thanks for the update, and congrats on the cool fish. Hope you are having a great time, I know the walleye here will miss you! Good luck on all of your trips, and don't be a stranger.
Glad to see you aren't missing Utah too badly! Congrats on some great looking fish.
Dude i am so homesick and jealous right now![pirate] Can your wife hook my wife with a job! Or hows about a trade?[Wink] This is the best time of year to fish the gulfstream .I bet your arms are soar !Those wahoos fight pretty hard.
Thanks for the visit,poncho

Keep posting man looks like your living a hell of a lifestyle.Willard is about a week away from being good for walleye,and the wipers are calling us all out ,lol

take care and keep showing us them great fishing pics.

Hey poncho good to hear from you. Congrats on the great fishing. I have never deep sea fished. Maybe someday. I will go get a couple of those walleye out of Willard for yah. Let us know how you are doing.
theres a familar face i havent seen in a while, im going to put you rdeer creek walleye tips to use this year. but yet down there in gorgia, you have soem big fish to catch(big bass, catfish, o and not to mention the ocean) nice to se you agian poncho.
Fishinfool, i was looking back through my pictures from Willard for last year and my first trip up there for walleye was on the 9th of April. So if they aren't going yet it should be real soon. Good luck.
My wife is always looking for qualified employees send resume. By the end of the day my arms were shot, the Wahoo fought real hard and the largest one was the last fish of the day and he did not give up easy. Had four others on that let go. One skyed 8 feet in the air and clipped the line with his tail. My dolphin jumped 3 times that was great.
Very nice Poncho! I am so jealous! I sure do miss the ocean fishing. That is one pretty dolphin you caught. NNext as me to go LOL. I'm sure the wife would let me come and play. Nice to hear from ya again, don't be such a stranger I don't care were yer fishin, love your reports wherever your at.
Thats got to be the greatest workout on the planet(reeling in those fish) If I could have that kind of excersize routine I would have 0% body fat![cool]Good to hear from ya again poncho...
Welcome back! Good to hear from you. Some of us have been wondering how things have been going for you. I guess we don't have to worry about that any more. Now we can concentrate on jealousy!

Great catch! Make sure you keep us informed of your adventures. We need to be reminded now and again that there is more out there than our own little world.
Sounds like a great time. I grew up and lived in South Carolina for the first 18 years of my life, and had several opportunities to go deep sea fishing. There is nothing like it. Great pictures too. If anyone ever gets out that way, you should do some Large Mouth Bass and Catfishing on Lake Murray in Columbia, SC. The Santee Cooper River System is also famous for it's monster cats. Many records have been set and broken there.