Fishing Forum

Full Version: jordanele 04/13/04
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went out to jordanele yesterday to test the float tube. The fishing was really slow out in the lake (rockcliff) so my buddy and I grabbed a couple of fly rods and fished the river. We caught 10 trout and 4 whitefish. Does anybody know at what temp. the perch and smallies start coming back in there?

Jed Burton
hey jed did you see many rainbows up in the river above the the inlett? they show be moving up in force to spawn soon. when they do dont miss it. two yrs ago i fished it durring peak spawn whit a brand new cd#5 rapala when i left all the clear coat was gone off the lure. every cast was a fish. glow bugs kill them also at that time. crossineye
not a lot of rainbows up there, but I am sure they will be soon. Do you know what the regs are for the river just above the lake?

Did you happen to notice if the courtesy docks were in yet at the boat ramp?
not on the rockcliff arm. I don't think I have ever seen docks there though.

Thanks for the reply. Had heard they weren't in at main boat ramp yet. Tried to call up there but only get recording. Thanks for the update on the fishing.