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I sit here and check out all of the listings for all of the fishing areas around Utah but find nothing about Deer Creek. I'm beginning to think nobody fishes there. Lets get this discusion going.

I have been out there twice and have done well for walleyes. Total fishing time has been about 4 hours and have landed 10 fish in the 2-5 lb range. How about everybody else?


we fish there alot utwalleye and myself and walleye bob hits all the time . we chase eyes hardcore. they have had a few days up there this season limmited sucess so far. where you picking up the fish? were you using bottom bouncers jigs and crawlers or lindy rigs? and most important how deep were the eyes? pm me and ill share some great secrets about deer creek. ive have spent thousands of hrs on that res. days and nights. nights are great in a couple of spots when the eyes go on the prowle. crossineye
I have been there 3 times since ice off - twice in a float tube, and once from the shore with my son. I have caught a total of about 10 rainbows. They were all nice fat, healthy fish, with the biggest being 17 inches. The last time I took my tube I tried for walleye. I didn't catch any walleye, but hooked a few trout. I threw jigs - maribou and plastic, in black and green - around the island, and on the west side out from the inlet. I have only fished for walleye once before (and caught one), but would sure like to learn how to catch them. If anyone is willing to share tips about catching walleye at Deer Creek from a float tube it would be much appreciated.
[Smile]This is more like it! I have been getting them on the north enth of the lake fishing along the rocky shoreline. I use a combination of rigs but the most successful has been a dark purple grub with a charcruse/green tail and a 3/4 oz head. The body has a little bit of the tail color in it as well. Also a brown and orange grub with a orange tail. I fish these rigs slow. tipping the grub helps as well. Nutsforfish
If you have a small electric trolling motor you should do well, If not it might be difficult in getting into the fish as covering ground is really necessary. Good luck! nutsforfish
how deep are the fish biting? most important of all questions. thanx crossineye
They were in the 5-20 foot range. with shallower later in the evening.
WHEN I HAD A BOAT I WOULD FISH DEER CREEK WEEKLY. I WOULD CATCH WALLEYES WITH PUMPKIN COLOR JIGS. Curly tails and crawdad imitations would work good for me.