04-14-2004, 06:05 PM
Four-wheel-drive pickups and sport-utilities are prime targets for theft. Outdoorsmen’s rigs are especially attractive because they’re often parked in remote locations. Besides locking the doors and taking the keys—something that a surprising number of people still don’t do—hunters and fishermen need to set up a line of defense for their vehicles.
Forget about expensive, high-tech alarms and locks. A pro can disarm the most sophisticated lock in seconds, and what good is an alarm when you’re hunting or fishing miles from your truck?
Thieves are like predators anywhere—they’ll go for easy pickings first. If you can erect a series of security barriers, a thief will most likely move on to another target. The best approach is a two-tier plan that both protects the vehicle and safeguards components. The basic elements are inexpensive and simple to install.
Immobilize It
The first tier is vehicle immobilization via an ignition cutoff switch. Unfortunately, most switches—made to be situated under the dashboard—are easily found. And many can’t handle the rigors of offroad use.
The product that has worked best for me over the years is the Little Switch, from Flaming River ($30; 800-648-8022; www.flaming-river.com). You splice this heavy-duty device into the truck’s electrical system. When activated, it completely disconnects the system from the battery and essentially turns the truck into a 6,000-pound doorstop. Its special feature is a removable key that you take with you. Even if the thief locates the switch, he can’t deactivate it.
Lock It Up
The second tier of protection can help keep such expensive and much-in-demand components as spare tires, wheels, and pickup tailgates from being ripped off. Locks from McGard (starting at $20; 716-662-8980; www.mcgard.com) are made just for this purpose, from a high-strength steel alloy that resists tampering.
The “key” to each is a computer-designed puzzle lock. Every wheel gets one lock (in place of a lug nut). Similar mechanisms can protect both outside-mounted and underbody spares, and keep the tailgate from being lifted out of the bed. Going this route delivers good security at a reasonable cost. Just make sure you don’t lose the keys.
Forget about expensive, high-tech alarms and locks. A pro can disarm the most sophisticated lock in seconds, and what good is an alarm when you’re hunting or fishing miles from your truck?
Thieves are like predators anywhere—they’ll go for easy pickings first. If you can erect a series of security barriers, a thief will most likely move on to another target. The best approach is a two-tier plan that both protects the vehicle and safeguards components. The basic elements are inexpensive and simple to install.
Immobilize It
The first tier is vehicle immobilization via an ignition cutoff switch. Unfortunately, most switches—made to be situated under the dashboard—are easily found. And many can’t handle the rigors of offroad use.
The product that has worked best for me over the years is the Little Switch, from Flaming River ($30; 800-648-8022; www.flaming-river.com). You splice this heavy-duty device into the truck’s electrical system. When activated, it completely disconnects the system from the battery and essentially turns the truck into a 6,000-pound doorstop. Its special feature is a removable key that you take with you. Even if the thief locates the switch, he can’t deactivate it.
Lock It Up
The second tier of protection can help keep such expensive and much-in-demand components as spare tires, wheels, and pickup tailgates from being ripped off. Locks from McGard (starting at $20; 716-662-8980; www.mcgard.com) are made just for this purpose, from a high-strength steel alloy that resists tampering.
The “key” to each is a computer-designed puzzle lock. Every wheel gets one lock (in place of a lug nut). Similar mechanisms can protect both outside-mounted and underbody spares, and keep the tailgate from being lifted out of the bed. Going this route delivers good security at a reasonable cost. Just make sure you don’t lose the keys.