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Full Version: #11 ANGELS CREEK
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Two access sites. 1) In Angels Camp, at junction Hwy's 4-49; highway bridges cross creek. 2) Take Hwy 4 NE 8 mi. to Murphys. Turn W on Main St., go 0.5 mi. to Algiers St.; at Murphys Hotel. Turn S, go short block to creek/park.

Swift, clear water; mostly riffles, some pools, in channel overgrown by berries and willows; flows through both towns. Creek downstream of Hwy 49 is open all year, balance opens in late April; check Sport Fishing Regulations. Murphys Park has barrier-free restroom and fishing access with assistance, picnic tables, and barbecues.

Local fishing: Rainbows every other week late April through July.