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Hey All,

I just got my new crawfish trap yesterday and would like to know the closest place to Layton that I can use it at. I would like to boil me up a mess of crawfish for dinner one night. Thanks
I doubt it's too early to catch crawfish. While ice fishing we used to lay on the ice and watch crawfish crawling on the bottom of Scofield and Strawberry. I have even heard one report of people having good luck with crawfish at Scofield already since ice off.

Last year I made a home made crawfish trap that was big enough to fit through an ice hole. I actually caught a couple of crawfish with that jimmy rigged trap. I also would think that early season crawfish would taste better than late season crawfish. Let us know how you do. If you want to catch a lot of crawfish take a trip to Scofield or Strawberry. These are the only two places I have targeted crawfish and they are in there a plenty. I don't know how many crawfish Willard has so I can't help you much there. Good luck and let us know how you do.
Hi Daniel
Pineview Res. and Farmington Pond are two good places to try as well.
I've caught them at East Canyon before. But that was a few years ago.
East Canyon has em. About three weeks ago I was up at Causey and saw a dead one on the shore. I had never heard of them being in Causey, but I guess they are. I'd definately give east canyon a try[Wink]...
causey does have dads and there good sized. i caught on last fall trolling. and have seen them in the water.
Yes, most places have some craws but in most waters they are too small and not numerous enough for eating. Try either Strawberry or Scofield.
Thanks all for your ideas, I will try most of them.[Smile]
I have caught crayfish right after ice off at Strawberry. One thing you will notice is that they have very little meat in their tails this early in the season. It takes a couple of months for them to "fatten" up...

The 'Berry is THE place, although a little more out of the way then you were looking for. They're probably already available, but if not, they will be as soon as the water warms a bit. I posted this in another thread, but here goes again...

[size 1]I like to camp at Renegade when I go to Strawberry. My favorite shoreline to dangle a string and chicken leg for crawdads is highlighted in yellow below. [/size] [center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=3486;][/center] [center] [/center]
Thanks, that map helps out a lot.
someone mentioned awhile back that grantsville res. was loaded with some nice size ones
Wheres Grantsville Res. at?
grantville LMAO about 27 miles west of SLC from your place head S on i-15 then onto i-80 west take the tooele offramp to SR-138 this will take you into grantsville drive most of the way thru town until you come to 400 W and turn left go about 6 miles keeping you eyes to the right and you will see the dike for the res. there are some nice browns and planter bows to be caught
We spend a few hours catching Crayfish on our last day of our week long fishing trip to Strawberry every year, and tear em up every time. We have never used real traps or anything like that. We simply buy a pack of raw chicken drumsticks with the skins still on them. Then you tie fishing cord around the skinny part of the leg and just lay it on the bottom. Our best success has always been in August/September. My wife and I went camping at Strawberry for our Anniversary last year at the end of May, and we could not catch or see hardly any crayfish. Our best success has been over on the soldier creek side off the back side of the convenience store down the big rocks. Hope you tear em up.
Hey Daniel,how much do those traps cost and were can I get one?
i got a real nice fairly large trap from cabelas for around 30 bucks best price anywhere.

Big Jim
you can getthem at sportsmans for about 15 bucks
I got mine off of ebay for 12.99-20.00 with shipping. But you can get them at sportsmans for 15.00 and they are the same thing.