Were are the spots were the bite is on! I have been in a slump have not caught a fis since my lmb at utah lake last month! Any places worth fishing this weekend from shore?
At this time of year, especially with what the weather has been like lately, I wouldn't say to many places are "hot". At this point, I think most people would settle for luke warm. However if you know how to fish it the Provo River can really produce during April. Hope that helps.
scofeild is still fantastic of the bank i fished the west side yesterday 4/15 we got there at 8:30 am fished in a wind storm and still left at 12:30 with 5 limits of 15 to 17 inch rainbows and 2 natives that pushed 22 inches im posting a new scofeild report with photos from yesterday this morning.
Big Jim
Strawberry should burn up like a christmas tree this weekend. It's ice free (from what I've been told. Haven't seen it myself yet) and should be producing along the weedbeds and shorelinesall around the lake.
Schofield is still a great bet as JigginJim pointed out. Good sized fish hitting very regularly. The trolling should start to improve up there within a few weeks. Of course the shore fishing slows to "normal" at that time too. As JigginJim can attest, even "normal" shore fishing there isn't bad.
The Green River is doing quite well for fly and spin/baitcast anglers. I've talked to 3 people and read one report on here about fair success up there within the last couple of weeks.
Flaming Gorge should still be great for Rainbows this weekend. As long as you can find a spot out of the "W", that is.
I'm still awaiting a report on Pelican. There is a group from Rocky Mountain Anglers out there now. I would imagine they will have good things to say. Not much shore fishing there though.
Matt Warner is either almost comletely open or completely open depending of the report you listen to. Accessable by 2 wheel drive from a reliable source and the fishing wasn't bad for 12" bows from his report.
If I hear any more info on the waters out this way, I'll add another post.
I would be going fishing to some of my secret creeky hot spots but my baby is in the shop because the mechanic was dragging his you know what and didn't finish putting on my bumper on my truck in time for me to take her out this weekend. I'm soooooo bummed. I hate not having a vehicle!!![mad] Anyway, I hope somebody just goes out and has a heyday so that I get to be all excited and ready to run out my front door and cast on my lawn when I read some of the reports this weekend. Good luck all you lucky lucky fishermen and women this weekend. I'll be watching Billy Dance and Roland Martin thinking of you and being very very jealous!!! [
