I have always used a spin cast reel to Crappie fish with. I always liked the Zebco 33 Classic, but I have been having a lot of trouble finding one lately that runs smooth and quiet. I have always used a Zebco, so I am not familiar with the other makes of spin cast reels. I am looking for a spin cast reel that is smooth and quiet, (a necessity while jig fishing for Crappie) as well as durable. Any suggestions ?
hi bill welcome to the site i would take a look at the daiwa underspin models maybe the US40XA UL below is a link to there site
[url "http://www.daiwa.com/"]http://www.daiwa.com/[/url]
hey CrappieCatcher, Hi and welcome to the BFT message boards. There are so many reels out there on the market to chose from. The Daiwa that was just mentioned is an awesome reel. I have one just like it and I am very happy with it. I also have one made by Pflueger that is very comparable.
I am sure there are many more but we can only tell you about what we actually have and use rather than steer you in a hundered directions looking for all the other brands.
If you need further assistance, don't be afraid to ask. That is why we are here. Happy Fishing.
well i love my quantums. i got a small one fer my brook pole like you,d use fer your crappies, i got that one last year, and i got one that i,ve had fer years on my pond, lake and also useit fer the brook too but a med sized reel and they both have the back drags on em. i like the back drag cause its easier to git to when ya need to cahnge drag and they are both good and quiet and also ya got to clean any reel every season or when it,s lookin like it needs it anyways, i always take and clean it oil it change the line spring and even summer and then in fall when i put em up. so,s they stay good. your gonna have a good reel and like anythin, the more ya take care of it the better it,s gonna work/[
me i use open face reels so i can see my line and fix any tangles before they cause a lost fish.i like shimono,or cardinal and a ugly stick grafite.dont own a push buuton because i lost to many fish and lures due to bad reels.
hahaha knew you were my kink a dude~! haha ALL I GOT IS UGLY STICKS AND TWIXT ME AND JACK WE GOT EM ALL! HAHA i got the 4;8, brook, 5ft, fer brook, and pond, cause it has my bigger quantum on it, and 5,6 fer the river over to pulaski and ponds and lakes, those are mine, i got jack the 9ft/ and the fly rod, a 5 ft. fer brook,ahha and a 5'9 fer his lakes pond fishin i think there the best! and can feel everythin on em. and my quantums are the open face. dont care fer diawa much, dont really know why, but the shimino i had before, pretty good i thought but one of my kids didnt have a reel so i gace it to him and got my little quantum. but most of all love the back drag. the front just seems to be so annoyin when ya got a fish on and tryin to tigheb the drag a hair, and the lines overthruin haha seems ya aint got enough hands. ahha and if ya do there in the way of the line. so i just got them. with the back. i also dont care fer the ones that have that finger thing that lifts you bail fer ya. that thing is annoyin when the line git tangled round just weems to git in the way. when i open my bail so,s what ever hits can run with it, . thats why i like my old ones. course thats just my opinions ahah tkae it or leave it. ahhaha [
me too cant stand bad drag locations and have to have acess to my drag for bigger fish.
[center]Just wonderen I been fishing for 30 some years and never heard of jiging for carp how do you do it.[/center] [center] [/center] [center]kingcat[/center]
[url "http://www.okumafishing.com"]www.okumafishing.com[/url] ... they make a nice 10 Ball Bearing setup. Okuma is a huge manufacturer that holds the best reels so far. Check'em out!
I don't know how, and have never heard of people who jigged for Carp either. It sounds like fun though. I caught some big Carp when I was in the Army stationed at Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland. We fished the Gunpowder and Bush rivers on each side of Edgewood Arsenal (a peninsula) that emptied into the Chesapeake Bay, and we caught some big Carp on earthworms. We would go out to the golf course after dark and pick up the big earthworms by the coffee can full, and catch catfish and an occasional carp in the brackish water. The Army had flat bottom boats that could be checked out from the NCO club, and some of those catfish would pull the boat around and around before they were landed. They were a speckled Channel Cat. We would catch Maryland blue crabs, also, and boy how I miss eating those !! I wish I could catch some of those blue crabs here in East Texas. Gourmet !!!!
Crappie Catcher
haha me too me too!haha[
Hey whats up???....Hows it going TubeN2?....hows castaic...anyway...I just bought a spincast reel...its a Daiwa MC40....its like a Daiwa Silvercast but much much smaller...I like it so far...specifically for bluegills...and its got a pretty smooth drag...I got it off ebay for $14.00...
]haha i think somehow it got screwed up, if ya wante the old tuben2 ahhaha well thats cool. good ferthe brooks too. ya have fun, anyways. that was a good price from what i,ve seen in soe stores here. later [
Hey BC, welcome back. Castaic is starting to pick back up. The Large Mouth Bass are getting aggressive and the blue gills are just starting to make a show over there. I am going there this Sunday morning. I might be at the dock or in my float tube. Come on by.
That Daiwa is a good set up. I hope you like it. That would be real good for the bluegills.
We would catch Maryland blue crabs, also, and boy how I miss eating those !! I wish I could catch some of those blue crabs here in East Texas. Gourmet !!!!
Crappie Catcher [/reply]
oh baby how i miss blue crabs. i'm from baltimore and would sell my soul for a bushel of live blue crabs. anyone know where to get some in southern california?