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Full Version: Sarl And Corona Lakes News 4/18/04
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[size 1]NOW HERE'THE BIG NEWS------------------------It's that time of year,
it's our annual Eagle Claw, Sierra Grand Opening.

It all begins Thursday, April 22nd for four big days, April 22, 23, 24
and 25th.

This means big fish and lots of them. We will stock the Lakes with
thousands of pounds of Super Trophy Trout and more and bigger fish will be
caught at Santa Ana River Lakes and Corona Lake, than any other lake or
stream in all of the Sierras.

This is your chance to catch a real trophy fish, one you can hang on
the wall. With to day's gas prices and tight budgets, it just doesn't
make since to drive hundreds of miles or fish a Lake where you need to
rent a boat, to catch a 10 inch fish, when you can fish from shore and
catch Trophy Trout are right here in your own back yard.

So save time, money, gas and fish right here for the best in catching
Trophy Trout. Remember, no one stocks fish as big as we do or stocks as
many huge super sized trout as we do.

"BIG NEWS" Sierra Grand Opener - Fish Local for HUGE Trout - Save Money - Win Big Prizes!!

NOW HERE'S MORE BIG NEWS-----------Eagle Claw wants to make this Sierra
Grand Opening, the best ever.

They are offering a 14 foot Sea Eagle, 2 seat fishing Kayak, valued at
over $1,000.00 for the largest trout caught at either Santa Ana River
Lake or Corona on any Eagle Claw product or Crave Bait product.

Plus 4 high quality Eagle Claw Rods and open face spinning reels, for
the next four largest fish caught at both Santa Ana River Lakes and
Corona Lake.

So here it is, thousands of pounds of huge Trophy Trout, a 14 foot,
$1,000.00, fishing Kayak for the largest fish caught during the four days
plus a total of 8 quality Eagle Claw rods and reels, four at each lake,
for the next 4 largest fish caught at either Santa Ana River Lakes or
Corona Lake. [/size]