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The Department of Fish and Game said today it has tentative plans to release an estimated 100,000 sport-sized trout in 52 northern waters in time for the April 24 opening day for stream trout fishing.

Many of the same locations plus an additional 32 waters will receive trout plants as summer and early fall months unfold, according to the DFG. By season's end, about 1,200,000 fish will have been planted in the 84 scheduled waters.

If road, weather, and water conditions permit, Fish and Game said, the following waters, listed by county, will be stocked with trout before the April 24 opener:

LASSEN COUNTY - Ash Creek, Goodrich Creek.

SHASTA COUNTY - Baum Lake, Brandy Creek, Lower Burney Creek, Middle Burney Creek, Upper Burney Creek, Lower Clark Creek, Clear Creek above Whiskeytown Lake, Grace Lake, Hatchet Creek, Middle Hat Creek, Upper Hat Creek, Keswick Canal, Kilarc Reservoir, Iron Canyon Reservoir, Nora Lake, Sacramento River, Shasta Lake.

SISKIYOU COUNTY - Bass Lake, Upper Bear Creek, Butte Creek, Cold Creek, Greenhorn Reservoir, Juanita Lake, Lake Shastina, McCloud River at Fowlers, McCloud River at Lakin Dam, Orr Lake, Sacramento River South Fork, Sacramento River at Dunsmuir, Siskiyou Lake, Wagon Creek.

TEHAMA COUNTY - North Fork Battle Creek, South Fork Battle Creek, Deer Creek, Digger Creek, Gurnsey Creek.

TRINITY COUNTY - Carville Pond, Coffee Creek, Lewiston Lake, Trinity River above reservoir.

As the trout season progresses, the DFG, said, additional trout will be planted in many of the same waters stocked for the opener and in the following additional waters:

LASSEN COUNTY - Blue Lake, Buckhorn Reservoir, Caribou Lake, Crater Lake, Dodge Reservoir, Eagle Lake, Long Lake, McCoy Flat Reservoir.

MODOC - Ballard Reservoir, Bayley Reservoir, Duncan Reservoir, Fee Reservoir, Lily Lake, Pine Creek Reservoir, Pit River South Fork, Reservoir C, Reservoir F, West Valley Reservoir.

SHASTA - Upper Bailey Creek, Buckhorn Lake.

SISKIYOU - Bullseye Lake, Castle Lake, Eden Ponds, Gumboot Lake, Kangaroo Lake, Kelly Lake, Lilly Pad Lake, Little Medicine Lake, Medicine Lake, Trout Lake.

TRINITY - Ewing Gulch Reservoir, Mumbo Lake.