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Full Version: My Daughters first day of Trout Season
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This past Saturday was the Pa. opener for trout. I have two daughters one ten and the other six. I and there mother have taken them fishing on numerous occasions but because of the cold weather here in Pa. in April my youngest one has missed out on the trout opener. Well this past Saturday was gorgeous it actually hit 80 up here in the mountains of SW Pa. The season opens at 8:00 a.m. so my daughters and I headed out at about 7:00 to scout out a good place to start. After surveying the river for about a half an hour we finally decided on a nice turn in the river where the water comes down a shelf and dumps into a long flat where the water gets about 4 feet deep. After settling in my oldest daughter was giving my youngest daughter some pointers like how she should not walk right up to the stream and move slowly, and how to hold her pole to tell when the trout are just nibbling on it. Well 8:00a.m. finally arrived and sure enough my oldest daughter pulled out the first fish, a nice 12 inch brookie. But as I was helping my oldest daughter take off her first fish I heard my youngest say dad,dad, daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! turning around I noticed my 5 1/2 foot ultra lite was doing a pretty good imitation of a banana. My daughter said help I can't hold on to it so I loosened the drag a little on the small spinning reel and told her to just hold onto the pole and don't let go,just let the rod do the work for you. After about two minutes and some solid willpower from my daughter she landed the nicest one of the day , a 13 1/2" Brook trout. She has caught larger trout before, in fact last summer she landed a 14 inch golded trout, but nothing made me prouder than watching her land that brookie buy herself, and a little coaching from her sister and I. I have pictures but can't post any yet but I will as soon as possible. One proud papa.[cool]
hey there proud papa! haha ya thats cool, good story, there so fun, cute, [Smile]haha i got 3 grandkids now. ahha love just spendin that time and watchin em take everythin in. haha and there ractions haha. have fun.
hi gerald thanx for the story i just got back from a fishing trip here in utah caught my largest brooki to date a beauty at 21" good to see your daughters are into fishing can't get mine within a mile of a lake unless she's swimming good luck on your next trip
that great lakelurker.. can't wait to see the pictures!
What a great story, That is awesome!