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Full Version: LIndon Harbor LMB adventure 4-19-04
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It was the calm before the late afternoon thunderstorm that rumbled through Lindon, I caught two LMB in 40 minutes that I was there. I was pitching tube jigs along the shoreline when a nice 4.6 pound bucket sucked in my tube and the fight was on! Very good fun fighter indeed.

I wanted to get one more chance before the lightning was prowling nearby, and I pitched about 20 or 30 more times when a monster bass inhaled and I swiped the rod back in a sweeping motion and the bass went dancing right on the shoreline and then rocketed back into the depths and the fight was on. I realized the bass had entangled my line on a sunken christmas tree, just mere feet off the shoreline. I went into the water to pull the tree out and the bass was right on it, it was a huge momma bass fatter than any other bass I've caught.

Well before I can pull the line off the tree the bass freed herself and made a huge splash as it swam off. That was a huge, probably the biggest I've ever caught, it was easily 22 inches and heavy as its belly was really protruding like a beer gut. LOL
Then the storm hit with great ferocity and it was the end of a fun short afternoon fish sesh.
good to hear the bass fishing is picking up bummer about loseing that fat one but look at the bright side it wasn't a walleye LOL
Nice report! Keep up the good work.
it sounds like the bass population is really starting to do well in the reservioir. and it sounds like there are some toads in there as well.

Sounds like fun. Were you on the outside or the inside of the dike? And what colors were you using?
I was on the inside the dikes, I never do well on the outside of the dikes because thereis no real drop off in depth like the ones inside. Green is the color to go.
If the weather holds this afternoon around three thirty to six then I will be there again. Look for a black big fish hat on the north side.
Thanks for the info buddy.[Smile] I will most likely be heading out to a pond to get some bait today.
Hey Paul, I think I had that same fish on last year, I was fishing the same spot, I was on the east side of that tree, also with a tube jig (olive green). the fish grab it right in front of the tree and took off straight down the tree trunk and gone. that fish looked to be around 7 lbs. or so, It would have been nice to land it. some day someone will land it and hopefully they will post the pic. here. later chuck
Great Job! I have broken of some huge fish in there! I wish I was there Paul. I wish I was sticking them big ones and then releasing them back in to the water! Speaking of water, how is the levels? Can you send me some shots of the harbor?

Hope the A-land is treating you well! Lindon harbor has water alright! It's about four and half feet deep. It looks very good, and there are no trees on the north side of the dikes. Oh there's still christmas trees down in the watery depths. Boating in and out is safe, and without problems.

LMB are still there calling out your name, waiting for you to come and get 'em!

I wished I had a digital camera. I gotta buy one of those that you can download on the computer, just you see one of those days.
can a christmas sink in six inches of water??
six inches? It's more like three and half feet just mere feet drop off from the shoreline. The christmas trees have been weighted down with weights and ropes. So yes they are sunken in more than six inches of water. LMAO...
thanks for the info, DDMAYO....